19th European Youth Team Championships Page 4 Bulletin 5 - Friday, 6 August  2004

Austria v Israel – Girls Round 7

Israel, struggling in the bottom half of the table, didn't have the power to put a stop to an aggressively playing Austria and their march to the gold medals. There were several boards full of action and here are three of those deals from Round 7 that secured Austria's victory.

Board 16. Dealer West. E/W Vul.
  ª 8 6 3
© 8 6 2
¨ J 10 8
§ 8 7 5 3
ª A Q J 9 5
© 9 4
¨ K 9 4
§ 10 4 2
Bridge deal ª K 4 2
© K 10 7 3
¨ A 5 2
§ A Q 6
  ª 10 7
© A Q J 5
¨ Q 7 6 3
§ K J 9

Open Room
West North East South
Schwalb Grumm Cooper Ad.Gogoman
Pass Pass 1NT Pass
2© Pass 2ª Pass
3NT Pass 4ª All Pass

Closed Room
West North East South
Hupka D.Tal An.Gogoman N.Tal
Pass Pass 1NT Pass
2© Pass 2ª Dble
3NT All Pass    

  Shani Schwalb, Israel
When Schwalb/Cooper played in 4ª, Hubka/Gogoman, despite having eight spades, tried 3NT. Noga Tal led ©Q and declarer had nine tricks in her box; +600.

In theory there is no way to succed in 4ª unless you get some help from the defence. Declarer has to play hearts early to have at least some chances. In practise ª10 was led to the ace. Declarer played a heart to the king and South's ace. Adele Gogoman felt uncomfortable being thrown in and exited with a spade. Declarer drew a third round of trumps then cashed ¨K and ¨A. Adele Gogoman now should have unblocked ¨Q but she didn't. The reason to unblock is this: if declarer would have had ¨J she certainly would have finessed. Anyway, declarer had a lot of hearts so there was no possible way to make the game, unless South tries a club switch. Declarer finessed in clubs and the game failed by two tricks; –100 and 12 IMPs to Austria.

Board 17. Dealer North. None Vul.
  ª A J 5 2
© A K J 9 8 7 2
¨ 8
§ 9
ª 9
© Q 5 3
¨ Q 9 7 5 3 2
§ 10 8 4
Bridge deal ª Q 8
© 4
¨ A K
§ K Q J 7 6 5 3 2
  ª K 10 7 6 4 3
© 10 6
¨ J 10 6 4
§ A

Open Room
West North East South
Schwalb Grumm Cooper Ad.Gogoman
- 1ª 2§ 4ª
Pass 4NT Pass 5©
Pass 6ª All Pass  

Closed Room
West North East South
Hupka D.Tal An.Gogoman N.Tal
- 1ª 2§ Dble
4§ 5§ 5ª All Pass

When Iris Grumm saw 4ª from South she was unstoppable. She asked for aces and Adele Gogoman showed two out of five. The play was dull and Grumm made an overtrick on a club lead; +1010.

Noga Tal produced a take-out doubleinstead of supporting spades at any level. Hupka could jump to 4§ and interfere with the Israeli's auction. Dana Tal tried 5§, but the auction was no longer under control and it stopped in 5ª. Anna Gogoman found the diamond lead; +480 and another 11 IMPs to a powerful Austria.

Board 18. Dealer East. N/S Vul.
  ª Q 8 7 5
© Q 10 7 4
¨ -
§ J 10 9 4 2
ª K 3
© 9
¨ J 9 8 5 3
§ A K Q 8 6
Bridge deal ª J 9 6 4
© J 6 3 2
¨ Q 7 6 4
§ 7
  ª A 10 2
© A K 8 5
¨ A K 10 2
§ 5 3

Open Room
West North East South
Schwalb Grumm Cooper Ad.Gogoman
- - Pass 1§
Pass 1¨ Pass 1NT
Pass 2§ Pass 2©
Pass 4© All Pass  

Closed Room
West North East South
Hupka D.Tal An.Gogoman N.Tal
- - Pass 1§
2NT Dble 4¨ Dble
All Pass      

In the Open Room Grumm/Gogoman had a strong club sequence up to 4©. The lead was §A and West continued with §K then switched to ©9 to ten, jack and ace. On ¨A and ¨K dummy threw two spades. A diamond was ruffed in dummy then ªQ was led to West's king. A spade came back and now declarer claimed; +620.

Caroline Hupka overcalled to show the minors over a strong club opening in the other room and Anna Gogoman pushed as hard as she possibly could, bidding 4¨. South was quiet happy but there were only five tricks for the defence and that was -300 and 8 IMPs to Austria.

Austria had taken another step closer to become the first nation to win the Girls Championship by defeating Israel by an overwhelming 25-2 (93-27 IMPs).

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