• Final Results

Poland were strong contenders and won the EBL Women’s Teams April series. The team captained by Mirek Cichocki lost slightly against Estonia on Day 1 and lost heavily to Switzerland in the first match on day 2. This champion team who won the 54th European Team Championships, led throughout the event. Cathy Baldysz spoke in Zoom after their win, telling those present how good it was to see faces the team knew so well and how much she looked forward to an actual live championships in the future.

Runners up Germany, captained by Julius Linde, had an impressive steady run losing only to Norway, Poland, Turkey, Denmark and Hungary and drawing with Ireland and England in the eighteen matches that were played. It was a heavy loss against Hungary, captained by player Orsolya Hegedus, that set the team back on day 2 but they remained determined and won their second place.

France, captained by player Véronique Bessis, could not overtake Germany and had to be content with a close 3rd place. They had suffered losses to England, Switzerland, Germany, Poland and Turkey, drew against Ireland but it was the two heavy losses against Poland and Turkey that caused France some concern. Their loss against Turkey was their first match of day 2 but the team lost no further match depicting the strong resolve of these top players.




Cichocki Mirek (NPC)

Linde Julius (NPC)

Bessis Véronique (PC)

Baldysz Cathy

Della Monta Annaig

Bessis Véronique

Baldysz Sophia

Smykalla Gisela

Tartarin Anne-Laure

Dufrat Kasia

Plath Mieke

Mus Catherine

Zmuda Justyna

Kriftner Susanne

Rolland Sabine

Kazmucha Danuta

Wenning Karin

Mourgues Jennifer

Sarniak Anna

Gromann Ingrid

Frey Nathalie


Gladiator Anne



Reim Andrea



Day 1 Results

Day 2 Results.

 • Kibitz play and view results

Results are available in the kibitz site, where you can also watch play, listen and see video of commentators. To access the kibitz site click here:Please notice that there is a 20 minutes delay between broadcasting and actual play.

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The results are initially in the kibitz site, until the day is finalized.

 • Information on the RealBridge interface

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How the scorecard works


European Bridge League
Maison du Sport International, 54 av. de Rhodanie, 1007 Lausanne – Switzerland

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