Double Dummy
The Problem:
The Brockbuster
As the name suggests, today’s double dummy problem was created
by former British Ladies World champion, Sally Brock. Sally had
a few years of retirement from international bridge but is back
playing for the English Ladies team now.
J 6 ©
A K Q J ¨
A Q 10 5 4 §
A 3 |
10 9 8 ©
10 9 8 7 ¨
K J 9 § Q
8 2 |
Q 7 ©
6 5 4 3 ¨ 8
7 6 § 7 6
5 4 |
A K 5 4 3 2 ©
2 ¨ 3 2
§ K J 10 9 |
Contract: 7ª
Lead: ª10
The Solution:
Declarer plays low from dummy and wins the king. He plays a heart
to the ace then ruffs a heart, runs the §J,
then plays a club to the ace and ruffs another heart. A diamond
to the queen allows declarer to ruff the last heart, and now he
plays a diamond to the ace and ruffs a diamond. Finally, he cashes
the §K and ruffs
a club with the jack, leaving the ace of trumps to win the final
trick. |