Know your System

Although attention is naturally concentrated at the top of the rankings, there is plenty of good bridge going on elsewhere. Here is a board that featured a sound knowledge of partnership methods at one table and excellent defence at the other.

Dealer South. Game All
spade 8 6 2
heart A J 10 9
diamond 10 9 5
club A 3 2
spade J 9 4 spade K 10 7 3
heart 3 2 heart K Q 7 5
diamond K 4 diamond A Q 6 3
club Q 10 9 8 7 4 club 6
spade A Q 5
heart 8 6 4
diamond J 8 7 2
club K J 5

West North East South
Buze Banaszkiewiz

Pass 1club Dble Rdble
All Pass!

Has your partnership discussed this sequence?

Would you be confident that West really wanted to defend 1club redoubled? East was in no doubt, and North's third in hand opening was harshly treated as there was no way for declarer to arrive at more than 6 tricks. -400 At the other table, the Chodorowskas found an effective defence to West's contract of 1NT.

The opening lead of a spade was allowed to run to West's jack. A heart was played to the queen and when that held declarer returned to hand with the diamondK to run the spade9. South won with the queen and switched to the clubK! Declarer could scarcely be blamed for going wrong on the next round when South continued with the club5. North took the clubQ with the ace and played the jack of hearts. Declarer was now booked for one down, -100.

Results Contents
Teams, Round 10
Teams, Round 11
Teams, Round 12
Teams, Round 13
Teams, Semifinals
From the Commentators table
Question Time, by Jan van Cleef
Know your System
Wrong Contract in the Right Hand
Down the Wire
The Prize you pay for possible brilliancy

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