Farewell Address from Giannarigo Rona
President Elect European Bridge League

Dear Friends,

Firstly I would like to thank the Congress Delegates who were kind enough to elect me as President of the European Bridge League, and also to all those friends who proposed and supported my candidature, especially the Italian Federation, thanks to whom I owe this new position.

May I also thank my illustrious predecessors who have guided the League wisely and competently in the past twenty years, obtaining the results to reach our present prestigious position in the world. I refer to André Lemaitre, Jimmy Ortiz Patino, Nils Jensen, José Damiani, André Boekhorst and Bill Pencharz who have honoured me with a friendship and esteem of which I am proud. I hope I am worthy of the position assigned to me and to be able to fulfil all expectations.

I can assure you that from now on I will inject into my activities all my enthusiasm and passion for Bridge and I am confident that working together, each in his own sphere of competence, we can identify and reach all the goals that are proposed. All of us know that society in general has changed and is still changing. It is evident that also our behaviour, mental predisposition, viewpoints, plans and objectives must adapt to the future. A great opportunity has been given to us with an occurrence that presents a favourable starting point: our recognition by the IOC as a true sport, soon to be given Olympic dignity. We must take the opportunity we are offered and work all together to achieve our objectives.

The Executive Committee and myself are prepared to start work immediately on our future development. But you, the players, are the real leaders of the whole bridge movement. It is you and your successes who develop the image and significance of bridge. You are the ones who raise the colours, and make the name of both your own country and that of Europe famous around the world. So thank you, all of you. Continue in the same way with your sportsmanship, your friendship and your high ethics. Continue in the same way to support our work, to do even better for your own countries and all of Europe.

And now dear friends I ask still for a moment of your attention. I would like to thank with affection my predecessor, Bill Pencharz. Today Bill leaves but all of us must be grateful for the enormous amount of work he has undertaken for the League in his 20 years with the EBL Executive.

We must remember this and recognise how his invaluable help, expertise and experience will be still so important for the future. To thank Bill Pencharz for all he has done, it is my great pleasure, in the name of the EBL to present him with the Gold Medal of the League. Bill has with him a great lady, Marianna, whom I thank with great love and it is my pleasure and honour to call her to the podium and give her a bouquet of flowers as a simple but significant gesture. Thank you for all your help, Marianna.

Giannarigo Rona
President European Bridge League

Results Contents
{short description of image}{short description of image}Open Teams
{short description of image}O37, Butl37

{short description of image} {short description of image}Ladies Teams
{short description of image} Butl21

{short description of image} {short description of image}Senior Teams
{short description of image} Butl29
{short description of image}{short description of image}Farewell Address from Bill Pencharz
{short description of image}{short description of image}Farewell Address from José Damiani
{short description of image}{short description of image}Farewell Address from Giannarigo Rona
{short description of image}{short description of image}France v Poland
{short description of image}Open Teams

{short description of image}{short description of image}Germany v Austria
{short description of image}by Tony Gordon

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