• Format
This event is to be played online, using the RealBridge platform (RB), under the auspices of the European Bridge League ("the EBL"), starting on January 2025. The event is a transnational teams event. The event will be governed by the Laws of Duplicate Bridge 2017 as amended on 1st January 2024 (“the Laws”), the EBL General Conditions of Contest (“the GCoC”) and relevant Ancillary Documents as published on the EBL website, the Supplementary Conditions of Contest (“the SCoC”) and the separate regulations that will be communicated in letters to the teams. Unless otherwise stated or illogical in context, the definitions used in the GCoC apply also to these SCoC.
The teams and categories
- The championship is a Transnational event: players from all WBF zones are invited to play
- The format is 3 rounds of ten boards/day
- Starting playing time: 18:30-19:00 CET time
- Participants will be able to win EBL Master Points and medals but also they will get the opportunity to gain international experience in the Bridge world.
- The winning team will be awarded with the Julian Klukowski Trophy and free entry fee for the next EBL Seniors live event.
• Provisional programme
Timetable (all in CEST and CET)
Match days: 27-30 January and on 3-6 February 2025 using the RealBridge platform. There will be 3 rounds per day, with starting time around 18:30-19:00 CET.
• Spectators/Kibitzers
No persons other than the active Players and TDs will be allowed in the playing area.
Delayed online kibitzing of all tables will be available, through https://kibitz.realbridge.online.
• Conditions of Contest
For all other rules and regulations please see:
Attention is drawn to the Competitor's Commitment Form that must be signed by each participant (and substitutes, in case of need), unless they have already done so in another event. Details and a copy of the form can be found in the links above. The forms should be sent to secretariat@europeanbridge.org.
• Entries - Registration
Entries should be submitted electronically via the EBL Website (not by e-mail) at the latest by the 25th of January, 2025. Each captain must ensure that their e-mail address is provided and they should check it regularly for information or queries from the organizers.
Each team must consist of a captain and players belonging to one or more NBOs (i.e. the event is a transnational one). Each member must be in good standing with the NBO and will also be subject to the approval of the EBL Credentials Committee and be registered in the EBL database.
Each team is entitled to have up to 10 playing members. A team may change or add members up to 3 days before the commencement of play. All such changes are subject to the approval of the Credentials Committee. Except with the permission of the Seniors Committee, any such substitute or added player must use one of the systems already filed in accordance with the SCoC.
The players must have been born no later than 31 Dec 1961.
• Entry Fees
The entry fee is unchanged with €250/team.
Entry Fees shall be paid by bank transfer to:
Credit Suisse AG
Rue de Lion d'Or 5-7
CH-1002 Lausanne-Switzerland
IBAN: CH88 0483 5135 2558 8200 0
• Systems
The EBL Systems Policy 2023 applies to this Event. The event is classified as a Category 3 event (no HUMs or Brown Sticker methods). Both members of a partnership must adopt the same methods in the auction and in their carding. The systems must be described on System (Convention) Cards and Supplementary Sheets in accordance with Section 11 of the GCoC and the Regulations for the Registration and Use of Systems, and submitted as described below.
Systems have to be registered no later than 5 days before the event start. Captains should ensure that their e-mail address is provided and they should check it regularly so they are available for any queries that may arise concerning a system registered by their team.
Note that VP penalties and other restrictions will be applied in accordance with the GCoC for late submission. Minor changes to systems (which may be clarifications, amendments, minor additions and/or cosmetic revisions) will be accepted up to 3rd of September 2024. Revisions will be published on the website with the other systems, marked as REV1 or REV2 etc., thus giving captains the opportunity to compare them with the original submission.
Each team will be provided with a link for uploading their system cards. After the team has entered, the captain will be sent instructions. For help with this, please contact support@realbridge.online.