• Format

The 2nd European Winter Transnational Championships (WTC) will be hosted at Top Congress Hotel Prague Blažimská 1781, 149 00 Praha 4-Chodov.

    • WTC. Will be a 7-day event, conducted under the auspices of the European Bridge League (EBL). Unless stated otherwise in these Regulations, the WTC shall be governed by the EBL General Conditions of Contest (GCoC).
    • BAM Trophy. A 5-day Side Open Team event.

Both events will be transnational and there will be no restriction on the number of entries per NBO. Apart from the prizes, EBL Masterpoints will be awarded for both events.

 • Prize List


  • EBL Gold, Silver and Bronze  Medals will be awarded.
  • Title of European Champion for the winner of the event.
  • EBL Masterpoints


  • EBL Gold, Silver and Bronze  Medals
  • EBL Masterpoints


 • Programme (provisional)

Date Event
Friday February 14 WTC (Swiss Qualification Rounds 1-5)
Saturday February 15 WTC (Swiss Qualification Rounds 6-10)
Sunday February 16 WTC (Round of 32)
BAM Trophy (BAM Qualification)
Monday February 17 WTC (Round of 16)
BAM Trophy (BAM Qualification)
Tuesday February 18 WTC (Quarterfinals)
BAM Trophy (BAM Qualification)
Wednesday February 19 WTC (Semifinals)
BAM Trophy (BAM Semifinals A & B)
Thursday February 20 WTC (Final)
BAM Trophy (Final A & B)

 • Schedule of Play

The competition will commence on Friday, February 14th, at 10:00 AM. Over the initial two days, participants will engage in 10 rounds of the Swiss system, each round consisting of 10 boards. 

♠ Play starts daily at 10.00 a.m., except for the last day (9.00 a.m.) 

♠ Play concludes around 7:00 p.m. daily (K.O finishes around 7:40 pm), except for the last day (6:00 p.m.) 

♠ The prize giving ceremony will take place on 20 February as soon as the results are finalized. 

 • Conditions of Contest

 • Hand Generation

The EBL/WBF are convinced that players would trust them to generate the hands for this tournament honestly. However, just to make sure that there is no doubt, we use software that allows us to guarantee to players this honesty. You can find a short documentation for the software here

It works as follows: around two weeks before the championships, if possible, we will publish here a file that announces which sets of hands will be made, and contains a sort of signature that forces us to make these sets using two pieces of information: 

  1. A big number associated with the set, which we keep secret for now 
  2. Information described in this file which we do not know yet: usually the Dow Jones Index of some date between that moment and the championship start date. 

After the tournament we will publish the numbers for the sets, and then players can verify using the described software that we did what we promised. Of course it is not necessary for every participant to do that, and even if nobody does the fact that it is possible should take away any need for conspiracy theories. Anyhow, the )les for this tournament are here.

 • Entries - Registration

Entries to the events should be submitted electronically only via the EBL Website (not by email) latest two days prior to the starting date of the respective event. Later entries will be accepted only if technically convenient.

Bridge players from all WBF zones are entitled to participate in the Championships provided they are members in good standing of a National Bridge Organization (NBO).

To be eligible for participation in the European Winter Games a player must comply with the EBL Rules & Regulations and the EBL Eligibility Code under the control of the EBL Credentials Committee.

Entries received will be automatically forwarded to the NBO of each proposed player, and are subject to their NBO’s approval. Cancelations for reasons of force majeur shall be made at the earliest opportunity and the entry fee will be refunded. “No Shows” without valid reasons are subject to sanctions at the discretion of the EBL. Withdrawals of accepted entries are subject to the same deadline.

 • Entry Fees

The EBL decided to introduce standard fees and discounted fees for non-titled players (please, see definition below) and players registered in the Czech Republic as well as countries neighbouring to it. The EBL intends in this way to promote participation in transnational events of local players and players who have less bridge experience but would like to test their skills in the transnational European Championships which are in principle open to all eligible bridge players. The EBL plans to continue this policy in future including European Transnational Championships in Poznań 2025.

Event Entry fees

WTC + BAM Trophy (per player): for titled players  (players with any of the EBL or the WBF titles apart from Junior titles [as of Dec 31, 2024]) Standard fee: €400
 For non-titled players or players with only Junior title (per player) Discounted fee: €200 
 Czech players and players from the neighbouring countries (Austria, Germany, Poland, Slovakia)
- as registered in the WBF database - will get a  30% discount.

Entry fees are to be paid by bank transfer only, to:

Credit Suisse AG
Rue de Lion d'Or 5-7
CH-1002 Lausanne-Switzerland
Account: EBL European Winter Championships
IBAN: CH07 0483 5135 2558 8200 3

Note : team registration code + team name must be mentioned as reference 

European Bridge League
Maison du Sport International, 54 av. de Rhodanie, 1007 Lausanne – Switzerland

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