Double Dummy
The Problem:
The Andrew Robson Club
The last of our Double Dummy Problems comes from another of England’s
top players, Andrew Robson. Don’t forget, these problems all
come from a series of teatowels, produced and on sale in England.
For details go to:
ª A K Q 6
© 5 4 3 2
¨ 2
§ J 10 9 5 |
ª J 10 9 8 7
© -
¨ 7 6 5 4 3
§ 8 7 6 |
ª -
© K 7 6
¨ J 10 9 8
§ A K Q 4 3 2 |
ª 5 4 3 2
© A Q J 10 9 8
¨ A K Q
§ - |
Contract: 7©
Lead: §8
The Solution:
Declarer covers with the §9 and ruffs East’s queen. He cashes
the ace of diamonds then ruffs the ¨K, takes a heart finesse, then
ruffs the ¨Q and repeats the heart finesse.
The ace of hearts is cashed, throwing a low spade from dummy, and
now declarer leads to the ªQ, leads the §J, covered and ruffed,
leads to the ªK for another club, covered and ruffed, and finally
crosses to the ace of spades to cash the established club at trick