Over the last years we have been more or less
used to see the Bulgarian players creating better and better results.
They did great in Malta at the European Championships and in Bermuda
at the Bermuda Bowl just to mention two late examples. Now they
are here in Sorrento playing in the open pairs. Their NT is zone
variable depending in what position they are.
Board 9. North dealer. East - West vulnerable
ª 9 5
© Q 3
¨ J 10 4
§ A K 9 8 7 5 |
ª A K Q 6
© 10 9 8 5
¨ K 6
§ 6 4 2 |
ª J 8 7 2
© K J 7 6
¨ A 8 7 3
§ Q |
ª 10 4 3
© A 4 2
¨ Q 9 5 2
§ J 10 3 |
West |
North |
East South |
Trendafilov |
Karaivanov |
1NT* |
Pass |
2§* |
Pass |
3§ |
All pass |

Roumen Trendafilov |
Here Trendafilov opened with a "mini-NT"
(green against red), 9-12 hcp. East would have an easy bid
if it were a regular one-two or three opening in clubs in
the first position, now he had nowhere to go with that hand
and passed. South found an interesting bid in two clubs showing
a "maximum invitational hand", i.e. an game try.
What should East believe? Did they have
a contract here or not?
East surely didn't want to get trapped
so he simply bid pass. North showed his club suit and where
left to play in three clubs, E-W where cold for game in both
In the 6th session we saw a real Bulgarian
battle between Mihov - Nanev and Trendafilov - Karaivanov.
6th Session. Board 7. South dealer. All vulnerable
ª K 9 7 6 2
© A J 6 5 4 2
¨ J 4
§ -- |
ª Q 10 4
© K 7 3
¨ 10 2
§ Q 7 6 5 2 |
ª A
© 10 9
¨ A K Q 8 7 6 5
§ KJ3 |
ª J 8 5 3
© Q 8
¨ 9 3
§ A 10 9 8 4 |
West |
North |
East |
South |
Karaivanov |
Nanev |
Trendafilov |
Mihov |
Pass |
Pass |
1ª |
3NT |
Pass |
Pass |
4© |
Pass |
4ª |
Dbl |
All pass |
Nanev just knew that Trendafilov was loaded
in 4th seat after two passes and that he needed to do something
since they both play a very aggressive systems, opening on almost
everything. He made the correct choice opening with 1 spade.
Trendafilov could most probably overlook eight
tricks and just jumped to his no-trump game. As you can see the
game cold, even on the lead of the queen of hearts, since the dummy
appears to have the seven of hearts! Declarer just cover and the
suit are blocked. Nanev however had more strings on his guitar and
now bid is second major, hearts. Mihov now give his preference to
play in spades, and when Karaivonov doubled to tell that this has
to be it, all passed!
The defence did right to collect their two
diamond tricks. Trendafilov then exited with the three of clubs,
declarer won it in dummy and started attacking the trump suit. The
three of spades went to the four, six and East's ace. It would have
been better to use this entrance to finesse in hearts since the
king was onside. However declarer ruffed the king of clubs in the
next trick and topped his hearts when the king still was out there
was he booked for two down.
On board 8 they got to prove that they had methods to defend against
their own weak "Mini-NT".
6th Session. Board 8. West dealer. None vulnerable
ª Q 7 6 5
© 9 8
¨ A 8 2
§ K 8 6 5 |
ª K 8
© K 10 5
¨ K 10 9 7 6
§ 10 3 2 |
ª A J 10 9
© A Q J 6 4 2
¨ J
§ J 9 |
ª 6 3 2
© 7 3
¨ Q 5 4 3
§ A Q 7 4 |
West |
North |
East |
South |
Karaivanov |
Nanev |
Trendafilov |
Mihov |
Pass |
1NT* |
2§* |
Pass |
2© |
Pass |
3© |
Pass |
4© |
All pass |
Nanev opened with 1 NT, 9-12, Trendafilov now showed their own methods
against the "Mini-NT" overcalled 2 clubs showing both majors.
Now it was Karaivanovs turn to make is preference, East then invitated
West for game which was accepted.
The defence started collecting three tricks in the minors, Ace,
king in clubs and the diamond ace, when the game was over. Declarer
ruffed the club continuation and played two rounds of trumps, when
all followed it was a claim.
Be prepared against the "Weak Bulgarian NT" as they are!