England vs Norway - Junior Round 22
Paula Leslie reports on an important
match from Round 22 of the
junior championship, between Norway and England.
First blood went to England.
Board 1. Dealer N. None Vul. |
J 10
© A Q 3
¨ A Q 9 6
§ K 10 5 |
A K 8 6 5 3
© 8 6
¨ 8
§ A 8 7 6 |
© K J 10 7
4 2
¨ 10 5 4 2
§ J 9 3 |
Q 9 7 4 2
© 9 5
¨ K J 7
§ Q 4 2 |
Closed Room |
West |
North |
East South |
Green |
Hakkebo |
Hazel |
Jørstad |
1NT |
2© |
2ª |
All Pass |
Open Room |
West |
North |
East |
South |
Harr |
Hillman |
Kvangraven |
Bennett |
1¨ |
2© |
Dbl. |
Pass |
3NT |
All Pass |
The contract in the closed room drifted
three off for +150 to England. The stakes were higher in the
open room where Hillman/Bennett reached 3NT. Kvangraven led
the jack of hearts, which was won by declarer’s queen. He played
a club to the queen and ace. Harr cashed the ace and king of
spades and declarer had 10 tricks for +430 and 11 IMPs to England.
Board 2. Dealer East. N/S Vul. |
© K Q J
9 4 3
¨ J
§ J 7 6
5 3 |
A K 5 4 3 2
© A 6
¨ 8 5
§ A 10 2 |
Q 7 6
© 10 8 5 2
¨ 7 2
§ K Q 9 8 |
J 10 9
© 7
¨ A K Q 10
9 6 4 3
§ 4 |
Closed Room |
West |
North |
East |
South |
Green |
Hakkebo |
Hazel |
Jørstad |
Pass |
3NT |
Dbl. |
4¨ |
Pass |
Pass |
Dbl. |
All Pass |
Open Room |
West |
North |
East |
South |
Harr |
Hillman |
Kvangraven |
Bennett |
Pass |
3NT |
4ª |
All Pass |
Both South players opened 3NT in second
seat to show a solid minor. In the closed room Jonathan Green
chose to double 3NT, and North’s removal to 4¨, which ended
the auction. East, Graham Hazel led the queen of clubs overtaken
by West. He then cashed the aces of spades and hearts, and when
he failed to play a trump declarer had 10 tricks for +710.
In the open room Gunnar Harr chose to
bid 4ª over the 3NT opening. North led a diamond, and South
cashed two diamonds and switched to a heart, which declarer
won and drew trumps. He then carefully played the ten of clubs
to the king, returned a small club to the ace, and picked up
the club suit for four tricks for +450 and 15 IMPs to Norway
who were now 15-11 ahead.
Board 3. Dealer South. E/W Vul. |
4 3
© A K Q
J 7 5 4
¨ 6
§ J 10 5 |
A 10 9 2
© 3 2
¨ Q 9 8 5 4
§ 9 3 |
Q J 8 7 5
© 10 8
¨ A K 3
§ K 6 2 |
K 6
© 9 6
¨ J 10 7
§ A Q 8
7 4 |
Closed Room |
West |
North |
East |
South |
Green |
Hakkebo |
Hazel |
Jørstad |
Pass |
Pass |
3NT |
Dbl. |
5¨ |
Pass |
5© |
Pass |
Pass |
Dbl. |
All Pass |
Open Room |
West |
North |
East |
South |
Harr |
Hillman |
Kvangraven |
Bennett |
Pass |
Pass |
4© |
All Pass |
This was a missed opportunity for England.
In the closed room North opened 3NT, which was described as
a solid minor on his convention card. South jumped to 5¨, and
when North converted to 5© they were at an uncomfortably high
level. East led the queen of spades to the king and ace and
West cashed the spade ten. He then switched to a trump, and
declarer drew the outstanding trumps and successfully finessed
in clubs to discard his diamond loser for 11 tricks and +650.
In the closed room Richard Hillman opened
4© in third seat and was left to play there. The defence started
with a top diamond followed by two rounds of spades and a diamond
switch ruffed by declarer. Richard drew trumps for 10 tricks
but 6 IMPs to Norway, now ahead by 21-11 after only three boards.
Board 10. Dealer East. All Vul. |
K 10 8 6
© K Q 4
¨ 2
§ Q J 6
5 2 |
A Q 9 7
© 10 9 8
¨ A K 3
§ A 7 3 |
5 3
© A J 6 5
¨ 8 7 6 4
§ 10 9 8 |
J 4 2
© 7 3 2
¨ Q J 10
9 5
§ K 4 |
Closed Room |
West |
North |
East |
South |
Green |
Hakkebo |
Hazel |
Jørstad |
Pass |
Pass |
1§ |
Pass |
1© |
Pass |
1NT |
All Pass |
Open Room |
West |
North |
East |
South |
Harr |
Hillman |
Kvangraven |
Bennett |
Pass |
Pass |
1NT |
All Pass |
The contract was 1NT in both rooms. In
the closed room Jonathan Green made five tricks for -200. In
the open room Gunnar Harr did rather better. He received the
lead of the five of clubs from North for the eight, king and
three. South switched to the queen of diamonds, which was won
by declarer’s ace. Declarer led the eight of spades, and when
North played the king gave this a good look, but eventually
played the ace. He led another heart, which was ducked and a
third, which was taken by North who continued with another club.
Declarer had a fair idea of the distribution by this point.
He cashed a second diamond in case North had two and exited
in clubs. North could cash three club tricks but was endplayed
into playing a spade giving declarer seven tricks and his contract.
This was worth 7 IMPs to Norway who now led 26-18.
Board 12. Dealer West. N/S Vul. |
Q J 8 7 4 2
© K 6
¨ K 4
§ K J 4 |
A 6
© Q J 7 3
¨ 7 6 5 3
§ 9 5 |
© A 10 9 8
5 4
¨ A 9 8 2
§ Q 10 |
K 10 9 3
© -
¨ Q J 10
§ A 8 7
6 3 2 |
Closed Room |
West |
North |
East |
South |
Green |
Hakkebo |
Hazel |
Jørstad |
2© |
2ª |
3© |
4© |
Pass |
4NT |
5© |
6ª |
All Pass |
Open Room |
West |
North |
East |
South |
Harr |
Hillman |
Kvangraven |
Bennett |
2¨ |
2ª |
Pass |
4ª |
All Pass |
In the closed room Jonathan Green opened
a weak 2© and North overcalled 2ª. Graham Hazel bid 3© for the
moment and South showed a raise to 4ª with heart shortage. North
tried RKCB but Hazel came in with 5© and South jumped to slam.
Graham led the ace of his shorter suit and there was still the
ace of trumps to come for +100 to England. In the open room
Gunnar Harr opened a multi 2¨, and after Richard Hillman’s 2ª
overcall, East elected to pass. South was unsure as to the meaning
of 4©, so bid a simple 4ª. On the lead of the ©A declarer made
12 tricks for +680 and 13 IMPs to England who retook the lead
Board 15. Dealer South. N/S Vul. |
Q 10 7
© A Q J
6 4 2
¨ 7 6
§ 6 2 |
© K 10 9
¨ A 5
§ K J 10 9 8 7 5 |
J 5 4 3 2
© 8
¨ Q J 10 9
§ A Q |
A K 9 6
© 7 5 3
¨ K 8 4 3
§ 4 3 |
Closed Room |
West |
North |
East |
South |
Green |
Hakkebo |
Hazel |
Jørstad |
Pass |
1§ |
2© |
2ª |
3© |
Pass |
Pass |
Dbl. |
Pass |
5§ |
All Pass |
Open Room |
West |
North |
East |
South |
Harr |
Hillman |
Kvangraven |
Bennett |
Pass |
1§ |
2© |
Dbl. |
3© |
Pass |
Pass |
3ª |
Pass |
3NT |
All Pass |
The players in the West seat had an awkward
bidding decision. In the closed room Green had to make a decision
after he had opened a club and partner had forced with 2ª and
subsequently made a takeout double when 3© came back to him.
He chose 5§ which made 11 tricks on the ©A lead. Harr was facing
a more limited auction and his partner’s 3ª bid was non-forcing.
He chose 3NT and South briefly considered doubling but wasn’t
sure whether this asked for a spade lead. When Hillman led the
queen of hearts declarer had 9 tricks for +400 and no swing.
Board 17. Dealer N. None Vul. |
A Q 6 4 3
© A Q 9
¨ K Q 2
§ K 10 |
8 5 2
© K 10 5 2
¨ 10 7 6 4
§ A |
K J 10 7
© J
¨ A J 9 8 5
§ 7 6 3 |
© 8 7 6
4 3
§ Q J 9
8 5 4 2 |
Closed Room |
West |
North |
East |
South |
Green |
Hakkebo |
Hazel |
Jørstad |
2NT |
Pass |
3¨ |
Pass |
3© |
Pass |
4© |
All Pass |
Open Room |
West |
North |
East |
South |
Harr |
Hillman |
Kvangraven |
Bennett |
2NT |
Pass |
5§ |
All Pass |
In the closed room after partner’s 2NT
opening South chose to play in 4© which made 10 tricks for +420
to Norway. In the closed room Keith Bennett for England chose
to bid 5§ and Gunnar Harr found the killing lead of a low heart.
Declarer played the queen, which held, and played a trump, which
West won and gave his partner a heart ruff for -1 and 10 IMPs
to Norway.
The match ended 46-33 to Norway, which
gave them an important 18-12 win.