There was plenty to report when the players
and officials took advantage of the free morning and afternoon
on Thursday to engage in a wide range of activities.
Historic Turkey
The main body started with a trip to the
magnificent open-air theatre at Aspendos, where for close
on 2,000 years, the world’s greatest performers, from gladiators
to Pavarotti, have graced the stage in front of up to 15,000
people. The intrepid ones made their way right to the top of
the auditorium, and were able to marvel at the incredible acoustics.
After a splendid lunch, it was off to
Perge, the best excavated, most complete and easily accessible
of the ancient cities along south coast of Turkey. It also boasts
a 14, 000 seat theatre, and also a stadium that holds 12,000,
both built in the second century AD.
Just like the streets of modern Antalya,
Perge’s colonnaded agora would once have been alive with shops
and market stalls.
Talking of which, there was the opportunity
to visit some typical Turkish shops, although our reporter is
not sure how many bargains were struck!
The Boat Trip
Patrick Jourdain reports
Prompt action by the crew saved the fingers
of the captain’s daughter when a sail tearing in strong wind
caused her hand considerable damage. They put her hand in ice,
and called an emergency speedboat to convey the victim to hospital.
The drama came towards the end of a relaxing
boat trip along the coast west of Kemer, which had been
enjoyed by a dozen of a staff on the spare day. Thanks are due
to the EBL and our hosts for this break from duties. Our best
wishes go to the victim for a speedy recovery from her accident.
White Water Rafting
The vivacious Captain of the Austrian
Junior team, Jovi Smederevac, has encouraged her players to
make sure they collect the award for the team making the most
trips during their stay in Turkey. So, a visit to Aspendos
to see a production of Verdi’d first Opera Nabucco, a boat trip,
and an obligatory investigation of Antalya’s biggest and best
disco ‘29’, put them way ahead of any competitors.
Well, behind every great woman there is
a President, in this case Günter Plachetzky of the Rudolsplatz
Bridge club in Vienna, who gallantly took on the role of organising
these trips. He was also a prime mover in the decision to try
a white-knuckle experience, As you can see from the photographs,
it was a great success.
Hungarian Team Profile

Peter Gal, npc
I am a 47 year old computer
programmer. I am married and I liked bridge - until now.
Beni Keil, coach
I am 57 years old and divorced
with three children - an 18 year old boy, Baliut, a 14 year
old girl, Dora, and a seven year old girl, Anna. I am a lawyer.
I like music, the French language, German football, and everybody
who is smiling. Somewhere in the past I played bridge. I hate
that I don’t know who I am.
Balazs Kotanyi
I am 25 years old and a financial
manager. I like to play squash. I don’t like the Italian football
but I very much like Brazilian football.
Zsolt Balasy
I am 25 years old and a marketing
manager. I like all sports, especially football. I don’t think
anything exists that I hate.
Gal Hegedus
I am 23 years old and study
mathematics in the Science University of Budapest. Apart from
bridge, I like football. My last sentence is the same as Zsolt’s.
Edina Rosta
I am 23 years old and study
in two faculties, to be a chemist and a mathematician. I hate
football, especially Hungarian football, but I love to dance
Mate Mraz
I am 21 years old and study
mathematics and computer software in the Science University
of Budapest. I learned to play bridge five years ago so my favourite
activity is playing bridge/ I really hate 5-0 trump breaks.
Josef Szikszai
I am 25 years old and an
expert in IT at Mars Inc. I am married. Besides bridge, my favourite
spare time activity is listening to The Cure. I really hate
my partner’s slam bidding.