Editor: Mark Horton Co-Editor: Brian Senior
Web Editor: Takis Pournaras
No. : 7 Thursday, 13 July 2000
Israel begin to see daylight
Shocks for France & Poland |
The now long time leaders of the Junior
Championship, Israel, have at last started to draw clear of
the chasing teams. They scored maximums in their first two matches
yesterday, and only dropped two VPs in their third one to power
themselves 23 VP ahead of second placed Norway.
Denmark is third, and the Netherlands,
who also claimed three victories, are fourth. The chasing pack
is not far behind, and is headed by France and Italy. England
has come into the picture thanks to three victories, and Turkey
is eighth. If any other teams are to have a chance of capturing
one of the top four places, they will have to make a move soon.
It was business as usual for the two leading
teams on the second day of the Schools Championship, with France
and Poland both winning their opening matches, the Polish team
recording a remarkable 126-1 IMP score against Germany. The
lost IMP only came on Board 18, and the Polish coach immediately
launched an enquiry! Not to be outdone, France scored 110 IMPs
in their second match against Latvia, but they conceded 40 IMPs.
Meanwhile, Poland went down to their first defeat against Sweden.
That was followed by a losing draw with the Netherlands, but
their hopes were rekindled by the news that France had lost
8-22 to Austria.
A Grand Squeeze
by Nissan Rand
Although Netherlands won their Round 11
match against the leaders 16-14VP, it was Israel who picked
up the biggest swing.
Board 6. Dealer East. E/W Vul |
J 10 9 7 5 4
© 5 3
¨ 10 9
§ 10 6 5 |
Q 8
© A K Q 9
8 2
¨ K 7 4
§ Q 8 |
A K 6 3
© 7 4
¨ A 8 6 5
§ A 9 2 |
© J 10 6
¨ Q J 3 2
§ K J 7
4 |
Table of Contents
Article |
Page |
The tough Jacobs squad qualifies
for the Olympiad at the ITT |
2 |
vs Wales |
3 |
Team Profile |
3 |
Roll &
Co. stop the roll |
4 |
What Would
You Lead? |
5 |
Finnish Team Profile
5 |

West |
North |
East |
South |
Amit |
Vax |
1NT |
Pass |
4¨ |
Pass |
4© |
Pass |
4NT |
Pass |
5§ |
Pass |
5NT |
Pass |
6ª |
Pass |
7© |
All Pass |
Four Diamonds showed hearts, and Five
Clubs promised 0 or 3 aces. When East showed the king of spades,
West decided to chance his arm.
North led a trump, and it was immediately
obvious to declarer that he would need a squeeze. He drew trumps
in three rounds, discarding a club from dummy. Vax continued
with the queen of spades and also cashed the ace and king of
spades, discarding a diamond from hand. When declarer ruffed
dummy’s last spade, South was squeezed in the minors. He threw
a diamond, so declarer played the king of diamonds, a diamond
to the ace, and ruffed a diamond, setting up a diamond as his
thirteenth trick.
It was worth 13 IMPs, as in the other
room the contract was only Six Hearts.
Well played, but if North had held
the king of clubs, ruffing the last spade would not have worked.
With so many menaces, there is probably always a winning line,
but declarer may be required to guess the ending.