While Israel held on to first place in
the Junior Championship, the other teams continued to ride the
seesaw. Norway, many people’s favourites, are now second. A
gap is starting to open up, as third placed Denmark is 12 VP
behind. France comes next, and Turkey moved back into contention
with three good wins. Croatia climbed seven places by scoring
65 VP on the day.
Spain, doubtless spurred on by yesterday’s
reference to the wooden spoon, had a good day, and has moved
well away from the bottom of the table. That dubious distinction
now belongs to Ireland.
An Old-fashioned Score
When your editors started playing bridge
a score of -700 was quite common (well, usually we had to play
the hand quite well to get out for 700 the way we bid), as it
was the score for four down doubled non-vulnerable. It is a
much less easy score to achieve these days but Estonia managed
it in their match against Belgium in Round 9 of the Juniors.
This was the deal:
Board 15. Dealer South. N/S Vul. |
A K J 5
© K J
¨ Q 5
§ K Q 8
4 2 |
Q 10 6 2
© 7
¨ K J 10 7
6 2
§ 10 5 |
8 7
© A Q 8 6
4 3 2
¨ A
§ 9 6 3 |
9 4 3
© 10 9 5
¨ 9 8 4 3
§ A J 7 |
West |
North |
East |
South |
S de Roos |
Naber |
D de Roos |
Luks |
Pass |
Pass |
1§ |
3© |
Pass |
Pass |
Dble |
Pass |
4¨ |
All Pass |
In the other room, the Estonian east player
overcalled 4©
and South passed his partner’s reopening double for +500 to
Belgium. At our featured table, Daniel de roos contented himself
with a 3© overcall
and Lauri Naber also made the reopening double. It is less clear
than at the other table but probably still correct to pass the
double, but to be fair it is a tough problem for South. What
is for sure is that Leo Luks did not make the winning decision
when he chose to bid his four-card suit. Steve de Roos passed,
of course, not knowing if his opponents had somewhere better
to run to.
De Roos led his singleton heart to the
jack and queen. Brother Daniel cashed the ace of hearts then
took the ace of diamonds before playing a third heart to declarer’s
nine. West threw his clubs on the second and third hearts. Luks
needed something very good to happen in his horrible contract
but when he tried a trump to the queen at trick four something
very bad happened instead. West won the ¨K
and cashed the jack and ten to draw declarer’s remaining trumps.
Worse than that. Declarer threw two spades from dummy on the
third and fourth diamonds. De Roos could play a spade to dummy,
ruff the next club and play a second spade, establishing two
spade tricks for himself while he still had a diamond left to
regain the lead. That meant that Luks was seven down for -700.
An old-fashioned sort of a score, but I’m sure that all the
girls here will be glad to find that there is an old-fashioned
kind of a guy in the tournament. Look him up girls, I’m sure
he’ll be delighted to swap disaster stories with you.
Table of Contents
Article |
Page |
Boesgaard |
2 |
Spain vs
Estonia |
3 |
vs Denmark |
4 |
When is
DOPI not a DOPE ? |
5 |

Yesterday the Champion-ships were honoured by a
visit from the Minister of State in charge of Sports,
Mr. Fikret Ünlü. He toured the site, and being a keen
player, spent a considerable amount of time in the VuGraph
and also enjoyed some rubber bridge after lunch. He is
pictured with Panos Gerontopoulos, the Chairman of the
EBL Youth Committee.