The two tables had the identical auction
of 1ª - 2© - 2ª - 2NT - 3¨ - 3NT and both Norths led a low spade.
The Norwegian declarer ducked the opening
lead and South for turkey, Guray Sunamak, won and switched to
a diamond. Declarer put in the queen and Sinan Tatlicioglu would
have done best to duck. However, he won and found the next best
defence, returning the nine of diamonds to attack declarer’s
communications. Declarer won the diamond and played a heart
to the ace followed by the ©10. Of course, with hearts 3-3 and
the queen onside, the winning line was to overtake with the
jack and run the hearts. Declarer was fearful of a 4-2 break
and decided to let the ©10 hold. Next he tried a club to the
queen but when that lost to the ace he had no way back to hand
and the contract had to go down.
In the other room, Toygar Alper took the
spade finesse at trick one and continued with the ace and ten
of hearts. When the ©10 held the trick, he took a losing diamond
finesse. It didn’t matter as Alper still had a second diamond
to get to his red tricks and his superior play helped his team
to a 12 IMP gain.
Board 14. Dealer East. None Vul. |
© A 4
¨ K J 10
4 2
§ A K 10
9 8 3 |
K J 9 7 6
© Q 9 8 3
¨ A
§ Q J 5 |
A Q 8 4 3 2
© 10 6 5 2
¨ 8 6 5
§ - |
10 5
© K J 7
¨ Q 9 7 3
§ 7 6 4
2 |
Closed Room |
West |
North |
East |
South |
Alper |
Uz |
2¨ |
Pass |
4ª |
4NT |
Pass |
5§ |
Dble |
Pass |
5ª |
All Pass |
Open Room |
West |
North |
East |
South |
Tatlicioglu |
Sunamak |
2¨ |
Pass |
3ª |
4NT |
Pass |
5§ |
All Pass |
At both tables the 2¨ opening showed both
majors with less than opening values. The Norwegian West jumped
to 3ª and Tatlicioglu showed his minor two-suiter by overcalling
4NT. When Sunamak chose 5§, neither Norwegian player saw fit
to bid on. Five Clubs was a comfortable make, of course, for
+400 to Turkey.
It seems that West’s 3ª response, with
a double fit for his partner’s suits, was inadequate. Certainly,
Alper’s 4ª response in the open room worked out much better
for his side. Tamer Uz was always intending to go to 5ª facing
a 4ª response but he didn’t want to sound too enthusiastic in
case he convinced his opponents that they should bid on to the
six level. Accordingly, he did not bid 5ª immediately over 4NT
but waited until the next round. The fact that Alper doubled
5§ fitted in beautifully with his plan, making it even less
likely that North/South would bid 6§. Sure enough, 5ª was passed
out for a further +450 to Turkey and 13 IMPs.