Appeal No. 1
Italy v Portugal
It is no longer standard to publish the
result of all appeals, but they are still numbered to reflect
the order in which they were considered.
Appeals Committee:
Steen Møller (Chairman, Denmark), Nissan
Rand (Israel), Stefan Back (Germany), Halil Atalay (Tyrkey)
and Henrik Røn (Denmark)
Juniors Second Session
Board 7. Dealer South. All Vul.
ª A K 8 7
© 10
¨ K J 6 5 2
§ A K 3 |
ª Q 5 2
© K J 4
¨ A 10 3
§ Q 6 4 2 |
ª J 9 6 4
© A 8 6 5 2
¨ Q
§ 9 8 7 |
ª 10 3
© Q 9 7 3
¨ 9 8 7 4
§ J 10 5 |
Pass |
Dbl |
de Sousa
All Pass |
Pass |
Contract: Two Hearts doubled,
played by East
Lead: ten of spades
Result: 7 tricks, +200 to
The Facts:
The redouble was part of an escape system
and asked the opening hand to bid two clubs. The double of two
clubs was explained by North to East as showing strength and
the double of two hearts as for take-out, but showing two or
three cards in hearts. There were no alerts and therefore no
explanations of the doubles on the other side of the screen.
North won the first trick with the king of spades, cashed the
ace of clubs, South following with the jack, took the ace of
spades and gave South a spade ruff. Now South played the club
ten, covered with the queen and king. East won the third round
of clubs, took the ace of hearts and tried to drop the queen,
playing for the hearts to be 3-2.
One down.
The Director:
The TD found that there had been misinformation
and changed the score to Two Hearts doubled, making. +670 to
East-West. The TD applied Law 75.
North/South appealed.
North explained that when he and his partner
after having made a penalty double of one no-trump tried to
catch the opponents they used take-out doubles, but promised
not to be very short in the suit so that partner did not need
to be very long to convert the double into a penalty double.
The situation was not completely normal here due to the special
escape system, but North felt that the situation was very similar
and that his partner would expect him to have two hearts at
least. Although he only held a singleton he chose to double
to cater for (???) a possible penalty double in partners hand
and he felt obliged to tell what his partner would expect from
him. South stated that in his opinion they did not have a special
agreement in this situation, i.e., North’s double was take-out.
East said that he would have finessed
in hearts had he not been given the explanation by the player
who told about his own hand.
The Committee:
The AC was sure that North was honestly
explaining what he thought that his partner would expect of
his heart holding, but the AC also believed that this bidding
sequence was more or less undiscussed in the partnership. The
AC therefore said that North should have explained that there
was some doubt of the understanding of the double. Being given
such an explanation East might well have made the finesse in
hearts, but the AC would not allow him always to make the contract
and decided to reduce the score of 13 IMP (North making three
diamonds in the other room) only to 6 IMP.
The Committee’s decision:
The Portuguese score on the board changed
from 13 IMP to 6 IMP
Relevant Laws:
Law 12C3, Code of Practice.
Deposit: Returned
Committee’s note:
The AC also made some allowance for the
fact that junior players are less experienced in giving correctly
phrased explanation. As mentioned above, a correct explanation,
in the ACs opinion, could be “We have no precise agreement about
this specific situation, but I believe that the following agreement,
which we play in similar situations, also applies here”. If
the same situation had arisen in the Open Teams, the AC would
probably have rejected the Appeal.