The present composition of the Executive Committee of the European Bridge League is as follows:
President Emeritus Jose DAMIANI France
President Emeritus Gianarrigo RONA Italy
Honorary President Bill PENCHARZ England

President Yves AUBRY France
1st Vice President Marc DE PAUW Belgium
2nd Vice President Radoslaw KIELBASINSKI Poland
Secretary Jan KAMRAS Sweden
  Paul PORTEOUS Ireland
Members Jean-Charles ALLAVENA Monaco
  Sevinc ATAY Turkiye
  David R. HARRIS England
  Josef HARSANYI Germany
  Eric LAURANT Netherlands
  Pim VADERS Netherlands

WBF Delegates Sevinc ATAY Turkiye
  Yves AUBRY France
  Marc DE PAUW Belgium
  Josef HARSANYI Germany
  Radoslaw KIELBASINSKI Poland

Honorary Members Panos GERONTOPOULOS Greece

Further information:

  • List of former EBL officers (i.e. Presidents, Secretaries, etc.)
  • The Executive Committee on
    Day Month Year