DEFINITIONS 1. Definitions
NAME, CONSTITUTION, HEAD OFFICE, DURATION 2. Name - 3. World Bridge Federation - 4.  Composition - 5. Discrimination - 6. Head Office - 7. Administrative Office - 8. Duration
AIMS 9. Fundamental Principles - 10. Non-profit making Organization - 11. Aims
ADMISSIONS, DUTIES, MEMBERSHIP DUES AND STRIKING OFF 12. Admissions - 13. Restrictions - 14. Exclusive Control - 15. Reciprocity - 16. Dues - 17. Resignation, Suspension, Striking Off - 18. Readmissions
ORGANISATION 19. Constituent Bodies
THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY 20. Assembly - 21. Convocation - 22. Attendance Sheet - 23. Assembly Committee - 24. Presidency of the Assembly - 25. Ballots, Number of Votes - 26. Minutes, Copies, Abstracts - 27. Proxies - 28. Right of Information - 29. Business for Ordinary Assemblies - 30. Business for Extraordinary Assemblies
THE PRESIDENT 31. President
THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 32. Executive Committee - 33. Special Provisions - 34. Dissolution - 35. Vacancies
THE PRESIDENTIAL COUNCIL 36. Presidential Council
CANDIDATES, ELECTIONS 37. Candidates; Ordinary Assembly - 38. Candidates; Extraordinary Assembly - 39. Nomination & Presentation - 40. Candidates from the Floor - 41. Restrictions on NBO Representation - 42. Restrictions - Professionals - 43. Number of Votes - 44. Election - Duration of Office
OTHER ORGANS 45. Honorary Committee - 46. Auditors - 47. Disciplinary Commission - 48. Appeal Tribunal Panel - 49. Court of Arbitration - 50. Medical and Prevention Commission - 51. Credentials Committee - 52. General Counsel - 53. Other Committees
FINANCIAL YEAR, ENDOWMENTS AND ANNUAL RESOURCES 54. Financial Year - 55. Endowments and Annual Resources
INDEMNITY AND REIMBURSEMENT OF EXPENSES 56. Indemnity - 57. Reimbursement of expenses
AWARDS OF DISTINCTIONS 58. Award of distinctions
OFFICIAL LANGUAGE 59. Official Language
GENERAL RULES OF CONDUCT 60. Official Language - 61. Rules of Debate - 62. Copyright - 63. Official Documents - 64. Signatures on Official Documents - 65. Supremacy of Statutes - 66. Unforeseen Circumstances - 67. Decisions of General Assembly: Operative Date
OFFICIAL EBL EVENTS 68. Official Events
DISSOLUTION 69. Dissolution
TRANSITIONAL PROVISIONS 70. Date of Commencement - 71. Elections and Term - 72. Termination of Transitional Provisions




In these statutes:

  1. the 'League' and 'EBL' mean the European Bridge League;
  2. 'Europe' means the continent of Europe together with those islands (including the British Isles, Ireland and Iceland) which are regarded as being part of Europe and also together with such countries outside Europe which for geographical or other reasons are designated as being within the ambit of influence of the European Bridge League by the World Bridge Federation;
  3. 'WBF' means the World Bridge Federation;
  4. 'IOC' means the International Olympic Committee;
  5. 'NBO' means any National Bridge Federation within Europe which is a member of the League;
  6. 'four years' means the period commencing with that person's election at an Ordinary General Assembly and expiring upon the election of his successor (or his re-election) at the Ordinary General Assembly held in the fourth calendar year thereafter.



Article 2 - Name

The name of the League is the EUROPEAN BRIDGE LEAGUE

Article 3 - World Bridge Federation

The EBL is one of the Zonal Conferences referred to in the Constitution of the WBF and has vested in it the rights therein ascribed.

Article 4 - Composition

The EBL is composed of non-profit making NBOs which are affiliated and recognized as the controlling body for bridge in their respective countries.

The EBL only recognizes one NBO per country. The EBL is one of the Zonal Conferences referred to in the Constitution of the WBF and has vested in it the rights therein ascribed.

Article 5 - Racial, Religious or Political Discrimination: Human Rights

The EBL forbids any racial, religious or political discrimination or any violation of Human Rights. In all NBO activities, the federations and their members must respect non-discrimination.

Article 6 - Head Office

The Head Office of the EBL and its finances are based in Switzerland. A two thirds majority of the General Assembly is necessary to modify this arrangement.

Article 7 - Administrative Office

The Administrative Office of the League is at the office of the President or at such other place as shall be determined from time to time by the Executive Committee.

Article 8 - Duration

The duration of the League is unlimited.



Article 9 - Fundamental principles

The EBL recognizes and follows the fundamental principles of the Olympic Charter, in particular the aims:

  1. to blend bridge with culture and education and to promote the educational value of good example and respect for universal fundamental ethical principles;
  2. to encourage the establishment of a peaceful society concerned with the preservation of human dignity.

Article 10 - Non-profit making organization

The EBL is a non-profit making organization of a strictly civil nature. Its resources shall be applied exclusively in furtherance of its beneficent purposes; and no part of its resources or earnings shall accrue to the benefit of any private person.

Article 11 - Aims of the League

The object of the League is to:

  1. Promote bridge in Europe;
  2. In conjunction with NBOs control the sport of bridge in Europe;
  3. Encourage countries in Europe to form National Bridge Federations and for such National Bridge Federations to become members of the League;
  4. Foster friendly relations between NBOs;
  5. Devise and conduct competitions to award international or European championship titles;
  6. To regulate the correct running of competitions in order, amongst other things, to protect and safeguard the health of bridge players;
  7. Co-operate and establish friendly relations with bridge associations of other countries outside Europe recognized by the WBF and with zonal Bridge Organizations of the WBF governing such countries;
  8. Co-operate with and assist in the promotion of the objects of the WBF;
  9. Co-operate with and assist in the promotion of the objects of the IOC;
  10. Encourage and assist NBOs in promoting bridge in schools, universities and other educational and youth organizations.
  11. Maintain the highest possible standard of ethical behavior;
  12. Prevent the taking of illicit drugs and other illegal substances.



Article 12 - Admissions to Membership

Admission to membership of the League is determined by the Executive Committee subject to ratification by the next following General Assembly.

Admission applications signed by the legal representative of the applying National Bridge Federation must include the detailed history and status of the bridge activity in the country in question.

The application must be accompanied by a copy of the applying Federation's statutes and the composition of the executive committee in office. The applying Federation's statutes must observe the general principles of the EBL.

Only one Bridge Federation per European country is recognized by the League.

Each National Bridge Organization wishing to affiliate with the EBL must undertake, in writing, to respect the Statutes, Regulations and Rules of the EBL.

In case of competing applications between two or more Federations of the same country, only the application of the Federation recognized by the Governmental Authority or the NOC will be accepted.

When considering an admission application the Executive Committee will have regard to the length of time the Bridge Federation has been in existence, the size of its membership, its activities and whether it is recognized by the authorities in its country.

Article 13 - Restriction of affiliation

Bridge associations and bridge clubs of any kind established within the territory of an NBO shall not be allowed to affiliate with any other NBO.

Article 14 - Exclusive Control

The NBOs as members of the EBL must recognize each other reciprocally as Federations exclusively controlling bridge in their respective countries.

Article 15 - Reciprocity

Each NBO must accept and respect all decisions taken by other NBOs in disciplinary matters. In particular all NBOs within the League shall recognize each other's suspensions and expulsions, without examining the reason therefore.
NBOs shall report their suspensions and expulsions in a timely manner to the EBL which will publish the information to all other NBOs.

Article 16 - Membership Dues

NBOs pay annual membership dues. The membership dues are fixed by the General Assembly which can delegate on each particular occasion to the Executive Committee to establish the dues for the following two year period.

Membership dues are calculated for each calendar year and must be paid before March 31st in that year. Membership dues are payable in their entirety for a NBO admitted before the 30th June in any year and for any NBO which has resigned. If admission has occurred after June 30th, one-half of the annual membership due is payable for the remaining half of that year.

The General Assembly may establish for the following two-year period the age limit under which the registered members of an NBO are not to be taken into account in relation to the payment of Membership dues.

Article 17 - Resignation, Suspension, Striking Off

Any NBO, having respected its obligations to the EBL, including the payment of any debts, and wishing to resign its membership, must so inform the EBL Secretary by registered letter. No action will be taken until the resignation is confirmed after a period of three months. If the Executive Committee accepts the resignation, all NBOs will be notified by the Secretary. In the case of possible litigation on any question (financial or otherwise) the EBL may make representations to the National Organization which endorsed the application for admittance of the NBO, now wishing to resign, or to any other national body under which the Federation operates.
The accepted resignation from the EBL implies automatic resignation from the WBF.

An NBO can also be suspended or struck off from membership for not paying the membership dues, not observing the Statutes, the rules or decisions of the EBL, or for any action contrary to the aims of the Statutes thus undermining the activity or the development or the good running of the League or for bringing the game of bridge into disrepute.

If after having been admitted to the EBL the activities of a NBO decrease to such a point that it is no longer representative of bridge in its country, its expulsion from the membership may also be pronounced.

When a NBO suspended for financial reasons does not settle the sum due, the Executive Committee can pronounce its striking off after two years have passed since the payment was due.

Any decision to suspend or strike off an NBO rests with the Executive Committee.

The decision to strike off for non-payment of the membership dues falls within the prerogative of the Executive Committee and is final. In other cases the struck off NBO may appeal at the General Assembly against the decision of the Executive Committee.

The consequences of suspension (for the period) or striking off (for ever) are the following: the Federation and its members can no longer participate in activities organized by the EBL or affiliated NBOs, nor submit any proposal to the EBL, nor propose a candidate for an EBL position.

Article 18 - Readmissions

Readmission must be in accordance with all admission conditions and is the decision of the Executive Committee.

In the case of suspension for financial reasons, the suspended NBO may be readmitted after settling the sum due plus an additional 10% of this sum and after justifying the delay in payment.



Article 19 - The constituent EBL bodies

The constituent bodies of the EBL are:

  • The General Assembly
  • The President
  • The Executive Committee
  • The Presidential Council



Article 20 - The General Assembly

The General Assembly is the highest governing body of the League. It is composed of delegates of the NBOs who must be bona fide officers of the NBO they represent.

Each NBO is entitled to be represented by one delegate to the General Assembly. The name of the delegate must be given to the League's Secretary before the opening of the General Assembly. It must be confirmed in writing by an official letter from the NBO, and the EBL President and the members of the EBL Executive Committee cannot be delegates of any NBO.

EBL Emeritus and Honorary Members may attend, without voting, the General Assembly as may other personalities invited by the EBL President.

Participation in the General Assembly and the right to vote (in accordance with Article 24) is given to NBOs which are not in a position of resignation, suspension or striking off.

General Assemblies are of an Ordinary and Extraordinary type.

The Ordinary General Assembly is held every two years in the even numbered years.

In the even numbered years not clashing with the IOC Summer Olympic Games (starting with the year 2010) the business of the Ordinary General Assembly will include the election of the EBL President and all the members of the EBL Executive Committee.

An Extraordinary General Assembly may be called by the Executive Committee when deemed necessary, and must be called in the following cases:

  1. under article 34;
  2. when half plus one of the NBOs with the right to vote so request in writing addressed to the Administrative Office of the League;
  3. when half plus one of the Executive Committee so request

Article 21 - Convocations and Validity of Ordinary General Assemblies

Convocations are made by the EBL President or his replacement by means of a registered letter sent to NBOs with the right to vote at least ninety days prior to the established Ordinary General Assembly date.

The convocation must include the date for the General Assembly, indicate the likely agenda and invite NBOs to put forward matters for discussion at the General Assembly.

At least sixty days prior to the Ordinary General Assembly the EBL President or his replacement must send a further registered letter to NBOs setting out the agenda for the General Assembly.

Any NBO may submit a matter for discussion to be put on the Agenda by writing to the Secretary of the League at least sixty days before the General Assembly. The Executive Committee has the right to refuse to include such a matter on the Agenda.

Any special matter not on the Agenda may be introduced during the General Assembly if at least two thirds of the NBOs present are in agreement.

The requisite quorum for a General Assembly to be valid are:

  1. in the case of a General Assembly without elections the presence of the duly appointed delegates of one half plus one of the NBOs with a right to vote;
  2. in the case of a General Assembly for elections the presence of the duly appointed delegates of one half plus one of the NBOs representing at least one half plus one of the total votes available to be cast;
  3. in the case of modifications or amendments to the statutes the presence of the duly appointed delegates of one half plus one of the NBOs representing at least two thirds of the votes;
  4. in the case of the dissolution of the League the presence of the duly appointed delegates of four fifths of the NBOs representing at least four fifths of the votes.

Article 22 - Attendance Sheet

For each General Assembly an attendance sheet shall be drawn up including the identification of each delegate and duly appointed proxy who is present and the number of votes he has.

The attendance sheet signed in the margin by the delegates present shall be certified as being correct by the Assembly Committee.

Article 23 - Assembly Committee

The Assembly Committee shall consist of three appointed delegates and/or invitees at the General Assembly who are not candidates for election and/or from the EBL secretarial staff.

The so-constituted Assembly Committee shall appoint a secretary who may not be a delegate.

The Assembly Committee shall check and sign the attendance sheet, check the issued votes, count the votes cast and certify in writing the number of votes cast and the result of any election.

Article 24 - Presidency of the General Assembly

The General Assembly is presided over by the EBL President, or in his absence by one of the Vice-Presidents (according to seniority). If this condition is impossible, the oldest elected member of the Executive Committee presides.

Article 25 - Ballots - Number of Votes

The entitlement of NBOs to votes at a General Assembly is based on figures for the previous two years.

Each NBO is entitled up to a maximum of 6 votes depending upon the following scale:


Average number of individuals (but see below*)
who are registered members

of votes

0  -
501  -
2,501  -
10,001  -
25,001  -
or more

(* Registered members who, in accordance with the third paragraph of Article 15, are below the age limit for membership dues are excluded from the total of NBO registered members)

NBO which has participated in all three of the League's main team events (Open Teams, Women Teams and Youth Teams) during the previous two years

one extra vote


The election of the EBL President and the Executive Committee is conducted by a secret ballot. Otherwise voting takes place by a show of hands except that on a delegate's proposal, delegates representing 5% of votes may require a secret ballot.

Whether on a secret ballot or a show of hands only delegates and duly appointed proxies present at the General Assembly may cast votes.

Article 26 - Minutes of the deliberations of the General Assembly - Copies - Abstracts

The deliberations of the General Assembly are acknowledged in minutes kept in a special book signed by the EBL President.

The minutes are also signed by the members of the Assembly Committee. However the omission of such a formality does not invalidate the deliberations.

Copies or extracts of the minutes of the General Assembly deliberations, to produce in Court or elsewhere, are valid if they are signed by the EBL President or failing him by one of the Vice-Presidents or by two members of the Executive Committee.

Article 27 - Proxies

An NBO which is not able to appoint a delegate to a General Assembly may give a proxy to another NBO with voting rights.

To be valid the proxy must:

  • be completed on the relevant official form
  • be given to an individual who is the bona fide member of another NBO and that individual may not transfer the proxy to someone else
  • be signed by the President of the NBO and have endorsed thereon in handwriting 'GOOD FOR PROXY' written in the language of the NBO.

No person may act as proxy for more than one NBO and no person may be both a proxy and a delegate.

Article 28 - Right of Voting Members to Receive Information

All NBOs have the right to obtain copies at the EBL Administrative Office of the necessary documents (classified hereunder) enabling it to comment on the management and running of the League.

The name of these documents, the conditions for their mailing and their availability to members are established as follows.

The following documents must be sent out to all NBOs 60 clear days before a General Assembly (30 clear days before a General Assembly convoked under Article 34):

  1. an official proxy form;
  2. the list of the Executive Committee members;
  3. the text and the explanation of the reasons of the drafts of resolution included on the Agenda;
  4. if appropriate, information on the candidates for President of the EBL and the Executive Committee;
  5. in the case of the Ordinary General Assembly the Balance Sheet and Accounts and supporting documents.

The following documents must be available for any NBO, delegate or proxy at the EBL Administrative Office:

  1. For a 15 clear day period preceding the General Assembly, the text of the proposed resolutions and the President's report;
  2. For a 15 clear day period preceding the General Assembly, an up to date certified list of all NBOs and the number of votes each NBO is entitled to;
  3. Any time during the year, the following documents concerning the past three years submitted to the General Assembly:
    • President's report;
    • Balance Sheet and Accounts and supporting documents;
    • all documents concerning the General Assemblies' deliberations.

Article 29 - Ordinary Business for Ordinary General Assemblies

At an Ordinary General Assembly Ordinary Business will include:

  1. hearing and approving the report of the EBL President;
  2. examining the budget for the next two years;
  3. approving the Balance Sheet and Accounts for the two years following the last Ordinary General Assembly and hearing the Auditors' report;
  4. fixing membership dues and other fees;
  5. ratification of the admission to membership of NBOs;
  6. electing the EBL President (every four years);
  7. electing the 12 members of the Executive Committee (every four years at the same Ordinary General Assembly as the EBL President is elected);
  8. Bestowing the titles of President Emeritus, Honorary President, Honorary Vice-President or Honorary Member on any individual or organization having contributed outstandingly to the study, development and understanding of European bridge or having faithfully served the EBL in important matters;
  9. Determining the appeal of any NBO expelled from membership by the Executive Committee.

Article 30 - Special Business for Extraordinary General Assemblies

An Extraordinary General Assembly is convoked by the EBL President or his replacement by means of a registered letter sent to NBOs with the right to vote at least sixty days prior to the Extraordinary General Assembly date (and in the case of an Extraordinary General Assembly convoked under Article 33 at least thirty days prior to the date).

An Extraordinary General Assembly may be convoked by the Executive Committee or by NBOs representing not less than one third plus one of the votes.

An Extraordinary General Assembly is required:

  • To modify or amend the Statutes;
  • To deal with the election of a new EBL President and Executive Committee for any of the reasons contemplated in Article 34;
  • To pronounce the dissolution of the League.

For any of the above a formal agenda must be sent to all NBOs with the notice of convocation.

Other agenda items may be decided at the Extraordinary General Assembly.

An Extraordinary General Assembly may be convoked together with an Ordinary General Assembly but separate notices and agendas must be sent to the NBOs.



Article 31 - The President

The EBL President chairs the General Assemblies, the Executive Committee and President's Council meetings. He represents the EBL in all legal activities. He authorizes expenses.

He represents the EBL in all acts of civil life before the IOC and the WBF and before the Courts of Justice. Nevertheless the EBL may be represented, should the President not be able, by a representative acting by virtue of a special power.

The EBL President convokes the Ordinary and Extraordinary General Assemblies, except in cases as specified in the Statutes.

The President supervises the regular functioning of the EBL and in exceptional and extremely urgent cases may take decisions on behalf of the Executive Committee on condition that these decisions are ratified at the next meeting of the Executive Committee.

The President signs all minutes, rulings and certificates of the EBL.

The President presents to the General Assembly his report on the EBL activities and finances; he is responsible for the management of the League and its activities.

The President is elected by secret ballot by the General Assembly for a four year term.

Should the position of President become vacant, due to any reason whatsoever, the functions of the President will be provisionally fulfilled by the first Vice-President elected by the Executive Committee. At the next General Assembly a new President must be elected whose term will be for the remainder of the four year term of his predecessor.



Article 32 - The Executive Committee

All executive and administrative powers relevant to the effective supervision and administration of the affairs and activities of the League (consistent with the League's statutes) are vested in the Executive Committee.

The Executive Committee consists of the EBL President and 12 members, men and women. The members are elected by secret ballot by the General Assembly for a four year term. The election of the twelve members of the Executive Committee takes place at the same General Assembly as elects the EBL President and immediately after the election of the EBL President.

Immediately after the election, at its first meeting, the Executive Committee will elect from amongst its members, on the proposal of the President, a first Vice President, a second Vice President, the Secretary and the Treasurer.

Candidates for the office of Vice-President and Hon. Secretary must have been members of the Executive Committee for at least one term of the legislature; in exceptional circumstances, the Executive Committee may, by an absolute majority of two thirds, decide to waive this requirement.

The functions of the First Vice President and the Second Vice President include representing the President at championships, events and meetings which the President is unable to attend and to preside over meetings of the Executive Committee and General Assemblies if the President is unable to attend. The First Vice President has precedence over the Second Vice President.

The functions of the Secretary include keeping and distributing the minuets of all General Assemblies and meetings of the Executive Committee and in the name of and with the authority of the President convoking General Assemblies.

The functions of the Treasurer include supervising the financial position of the League, preparing budgets for approval by the Executive Committee and the General Assembly and making payments on behalf of the League as indicated by approved budgets and as authorized by the President and the Executive Committee.

Membership on the Executive Committee or on any of the Committees of the EBL is a personal determination and is granted on the clear understanding that such members are not elected to represent their NBOs but to serve the European bridge community at large.

The Executive Committee meets at least twice a year. The Executive Committee is convened by the President or at the request of at least five of its members.

A quorum for Executive Committee meetings is seven and voting is by majority. In the case of a tie the President has a second casting vote.

The minutes of the deliberations of the Executive Committee are signed by the President.

Article 33 - Special provisions for the Executive Committee

Amongst its powers and obligations the Executive Committee has the following functions:

  1. to study all proposed amendments to the statutes before they are submitted to an Extraordinary General Assembly for approval;
  2. to draw up rules of procedure;
  3. to uphold amateurism and the strict observation of the League's regulations;
  4. to monitor and supervise the running of the NBOs;
  5. to appoint representatives to carry out functions relating to the promotion and coordination of bridge in a region, country or NBO;
  6. to control the Treasurer's financial management;
  7. to consider, and if it judges appropriate, to adopt the proposals of committees;
  8. to prescribe a disciplinary code of conduct with rules of procedure and sanctions and to delegate the enforcement of the code of conduct to a Disciplinary Commission
  9. to maintain good relations with Sports Organizations and Public Authorities and with International Organizations, including the IOC, the WBF and the other WBF zonal conferences;
  10. to appoint Committees of the Executive Committee including the Credentials Committee, the Appeals Committee, the Championship Committee, the Medical and Prevention Commission, the Medals and Recognitions Committee and the Protocol Committee;
  11. to appoint the Disciplinary Commission and the Appeal Tribunal Panel;
  12. to appoint a General Counsel;
  13. to appoint other committees as it deems useful and to invite the chairman of such committees to participate as appropriate in Executive Committee meetings with consultative power;
  14. to award the EBL medals of distinction and to award recognitions on the proposals of the Medals and Recognitions Committee;
  15. to ratify decisions of the President taken in exceptional and extremely urgent circumstances;
  16. to revoke at any time the appointment of a committee;
  17. to determine the admission to membership of a National Bridge Federation (subject to ratification at the next General Assembly);
  18. to fix the international calendar in consultation with the NBOs and to grant the League's patronage to different proposed events;
  19. in special circumstances to authorize the participation in a European Championship of a National Bridge Federation which is not yet a member of the League;
  20. to propose to the General Assembly to bestow the title of President Emeritus, Honorary President, Honorary Vice-President or Honorary Member on any individual or organization having outstandingly contributed to the study, development and understanding of European bridge or having faithfully served the EBL in important matters.
  21. to hear the activity reports of the committees, commissions, and people it has appointed;
  22. to deliberate on any other matter relating to the good governance of the League.

Article 34 - Dissolution of the Executive Committee

The Executive Committee is dissolved in the event of:

  1. the resignation of the EBL President, his death or permanent mental impediment or any other reason which ends his presidency;
  2. the rejection of the President's Report by the General Assembly;
  3. the contemporaneous resignation of seven or more of the Executive Committee;
  4. the resignation, irrespective of the reasons and even though not contemporaneous, during the four year period of seven of the twelve Executive Committee members.

The following are the consequences and the procedures to be followed in the event of the dissolution of the Executive Committee:

  1. if the President of the EBL resigns, the President and the Executive Committee remain in office for the completion of ordinary administration until the election of a new EBL President and new Committee at an Extraordinary General Assembly. The Extraordinary General Assembly must be convoked within 60 days of the resignation and be held not less than 30 nor more than 60 days after the convocation.
  2. In the event of the death or permanent mental incapacity of the EBL President the first Vice-President assumes the responsibilities of the President and must convoke the Extraordinary General Assembly within the timetable set out in point (1) above.
  3. In the event of the rejection of the President's Report, the EBL President and the Executive Committee cease to hold office with immediate effect and an Extraordinary General Assembly must be called for the election of a new EBL President and Executive Committee within the timetable set out in point (1) above.
  4. In the event of the contemporaneous resignation of seven or more of the Executive Committee the EBL President and Executive Committee cease to hold office with immediate effect and an Extraordinary General Assembly must be called for the election of a new EBL President and Executive Committee within the timetable set out in point (1) above.
  5. In the event of the non-contemporaneous resignation of seven members of the Executive Committee during the four year term, the Executive Committee is dissolved but the term of the EBL President continues and he must convoke an Extraordinary General Assembly for the election of a new Executive Committee within the time limits set out in point (1) above.

Article 35 - Filling Vacancies of the Executive Committee

In the case of the resignation or death or permanent mental incapacity of one or more (but less than seven) of the Executive Committee members, his or their place(s) shall (if possible) be filled by holding new elections at the next Ordinary General Assembly.



Article 36 - The Presidential Council

The Presidential Council is composed of the EBL President, the EBL First Vice President, the EBL Second Vice-President, the Secretary and the Treasurer and two other members appointed, on the proposal of the EBL President, by the Executive Committee and chosen from among its members.

The Presidential Council acts on the deliberations of the Executive Committee and oversees current business.

The Presidential Council may be called by the EBL President at any time, without formality and with little notice.

The President may invite other persons (for example members of the Executive Committee, chairmen of committees and commissions and other appointed persons) to participate in meetings of the Presidential Council where they are involved in activities and matters to be discussed.

The minutes of the meetings of the Presidential Council are the responsibility of the Secretary and shall be sent for information to all members of the Executive Committee.



Article 37 - Candidates; Ordinary General Assembly

Nominations for:

  • EBL President
  • Executive Committee members

must be in writing, fax or e-mail and be received by the EBL Administrative Office at least 60 days before the Ordinary General Assembly.

The nominations will be circulated to the NBOs at the same time as the agenda for the Ordinary General Assembly.

The outgoing EBL President and Executive Committee members, in the absence of express renunciations, are automatically nominated for re-election for the same positions as currently held.

Article 38 - Candidates; Extraordinary General Assembly

Nominations for:

  • EBL President
  • Executive Committee members

must be in writing, fax or e-mail and be received by the EBL Administrative Office at least 30 days before the Extraordinary General Assembly.

In order to preserve continuity and to ensure experienced leadership, candidates for the office of President must have been members of the Executive Committee for at least one term of legislature.

The nominations will be circulated to the NBOs at the same time as the agenda for the Extraordinary General Assembly.

Article 39 - Nominations and Presentation of Candidates

To be validly nominated the candidates for EBL President and for members of the Executive Committee must be nominated by:

  • the NBO of the country of which the candidate is a citizen. The NBO must be in good standing and must have paid its current and all previous years' dues, or
  • the NBO of the country of which the candidate is bona fide permanently resident (and has been so for at least the last three years). The NBO must be in good standing and must have paid its current and all previous years' dues, or
  • Be automatically nominated under Article 37.

A summary of the candidate's bridge activities must be attached to the nomination and must be circulated to all NBOs.

The candidate must be physically present at the General Assembly at the time of the election.

Article 40 - Candidates from the Floor

If and only if there are insufficient candidates NBOs may present further candidates on the following conditions:

  1. the candidates must be presented at the opening of the General Assembly;
  2. the presentation must be made by the delegate of the NBO;
  3. all the other conditions of admissibility must apply.

Article 41 - Restrictions on NBO Representation on the Executive Committee

No more than two citizens of any NBO may simultaneously be members of the thirteen member Executive Committee (EBL President plus twelve Executive Committee members).

Article 42 - Restrictions - Professionals

No person earning a substantial part of his income from bridge activities, such as from the manufacturing or sale of bridge equipment, may be elected as EBL President or as a member of the Executive Committee.

Article 43 - Number of Votes that may be cast by an NBO

For the post of President an NBO may cast up to the number of votes which it is entitled under Article 25.

For the election of Executive Committee members an NBO may cast up to the number of votes it is entitled under Article 25 for up to twelve (but not more than twelve) of the candidates.

Article 44 - Election - Duration of Office

The EBL President and members of the Executive Committee elected at an Ordinary General Assembly hold office for a four year period. They may be re-elected.

The EBL President and members of the EBL Executive Committee elected at an Extraordinary General Assembly hold office for the residue of the four years of the person or persons whom they have replaced.

The election for EBL President takes place before the election of the Executive Committee members. It is by secret ballot. The result of the election for EBL President is announced before the election of the Executive Committee members.

The election of the Executive Committee members takes place by a single secret ballot. The twelve candidates with the highest number of votes are elected. In the event of a tie for twelfth place there is a further secret ballot amongst the candidates who tied.



Article 45 - Honorary Committee

The Presidents Emeritus, the Honorary Presidents, the Honorary Vice Presidents and Honorary Members make the 'Committee of Honor'. They may attend Executive Committee meetings and General Assemblies with consultative powers.

Article 46 - Auditors

The Executive Committee appoints the League's Auditors but once appointed they may only be removed by the General Assembly.

The Auditors are responsible to and report to the General Assembly.

The Auditors must verify and certify:

  • The League's Balance Sheets and Accounts
  • The existence of documents justifying income and expenses.

The Auditors report is considered by the General Assembly before it deliberates on the EBL President's report.

Article 47 - Disciplinary Commission

The Disciplinary Commission consists of a President elected by, and from, the members of the Executive Committee and two other persons who are not members of any of the EBL or WBF Authorities.

In case of incompatibility or default, the Executive Committee designate the substitutes.

The Disciplinary Commission will act in accordance with the procedures set out in the Code of Discipline and the Anti Doping Rules.

Article 48 - Appeal Tribunal Panel

The Executive Committee shall appoint a Panel of five persons (three of whom must be lawyers) to serve on the Appeals Tribunal as circumstances require. The Management Committee shall appoint the Tribunal from the Panel. The TRibunal is comprised of three persons, one of these must be a lawyer.

The Appeal Tribunal hears and decides upon appeal from any decision of the Disciplinary Commission and will act in accordance with the procedures set out in the Code of Discipline and the Anti Doping Rules.

Article 49 - The Court of Arbitration For Sport

Any decision made by the Appeal Tribunal may be submitted exclusively by way of appeal to the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) in Lausanne , Switzerland, which will resolve the dispute definitively in accordance with the Code of Sports-related Arbitration.

The time limit for appeal is twenty-one days after the receipt of the decision of the Appeal Tribunal.

Article 50 - Medical and Prevention Commission

The Commission consists of a President, who has to be a doctor and cannot be a member of the Executive Committee or of any of the EBL or WBF Authorities, and two other persons who are not members of any of the EBL or WBF Authorities and have to be doctors or biologists.

The President of the Commission may attend Executive Committee meetings and General Assemblies and may be asked to formulate proposals and give suggestions. The President of the Commission does not have a vote.

The function of the Medical and Prevention Commission is to supervise, regulate and enforce the IOC's rules prohibiting the use of banned drugs and other substances.

The Medical and Prevention Commission reports to the Disciplinary Commission and carries out its function under the same rules and procedures as the Disciplinary Commission.

Article 51 - Credentials Committee

The Credentials Committee shall rule on the eligibility of any person nominated as a participator or captain in a championship or contest of the League, whether before or during the contest, giving due attention to reports from the Appeals Committee and the Disciplinary Commission and the Medical and Prevention Commission, and to prohibit any player or players, captain or captains, without having to disclose the reason, from participating in any championship or contest sanctioned and conducted under the auspices of the League.

Article 52 - General Counsel

The General Counsel is appointed by the Executive Committee.

The General Counsel is the legal consultant and advisor to the President and the Executive Committee and may be asked to attend Executive Committee meetings and General Assemblies and to formulate proposals and give suggestions.

The General Counsel does not have a vote.

Article 53 - Others Committees

The Executive Committee may appoint various committees or commissions to study problems related to the management, administration, and organization of the League's activities and subsequently submit proposals and recommendations to the Executive Committee.



Article 54 - Financial Year

The financial year of the League starts on the 1st January and terminates on 31st December of each year.

Article 55 - Endowments and Annual Resources

The EBL obtains the means necessary to carry out its objects from:

  1. annual membership dues from NBOs. The dues are payable in advance on the 1st January of the financial year to which they relate. Dues unpaid by 30th April of the financial year to which they relate will automatically be increased by 10%. An NBO will be treated as being in arrears if it has not paid its annual dues by the 30th April of the year to which it relates. Whilst an NBO is in arrears with the payment of annual dues and/or other sums payable to the League the NBO is not in good standing and is prohibited from nominating or entering any pairs or teams to participate in any championship or competition of the League;
  2. subscription fees for championships and competitions and events organized by the EBL;
  3. Income from the League's assets;
  4. Any other lawful source including money from sponsorship.

The EBL may acquire immovable property. It has the right and power to borrow money from national or private banking institutions in order to purchase immovable property.



Article 56 - Indemnity

All elected positions within the EBL are determined as voluntary and so are unpaid.

The President, the Vice-Presidents, the Treasurer and the Secretary are entitled to receive an annual indemnity for their offices, determined by the Executive Committee and ratified by the General Assembly.

Article 57 - Reimbursement of expenses

The members of the Executive Committee, Management Committee and various Committees and Commissions are entitled to reimbursement of costs of travel and accommodation incurred in carrying out designated functions in the interests of the EBL: these need authorization by the President or his delegate.



Article 58 - Award of distinctions

The EBL may confer awards of distinction upon any person who, in any capacity, has rendered particularly outstanding service to the cause of European Bridge. These awards shall be granted by the Executive Committee, on behalf of the EBL, and shall consist of the "EBL Gold Medal", "EBL Silver Medal" and the "EBL Bronze Medal".

The Executive Committee will set out Rules for granting awards. These will be distributed to the Federations. Suitably inscribed badges will be presented to awardees.

Recipients of any of the above awards are entitled to attend the General Assembly and to free admission to all EBL events and official receptions.



Article 59 - Official Language

The official language of the League is English.



Article 60 - Official Language

English is the official language for the General Assembly, meetings, competitions, the Statutes, Rules & Regulations, Code of Practice, minutes and all the official documents published by the EBL.

At the General Assembly the Delegates may speak in their mother tongue: in this case the cost of any translations must be borne by the NBO deciding to speak in its mother tongue.

Article 61 - Rules Of Debate

The Rules of Debate are to be observed at the General Assembly and, appropriately and suitably modified, at meetings of the Council and the Committees.

Article 62 - Copyright

Any reproduction or distribution of documents, instructional material or other material belonging to the EBL is prohibited without the authority of the EBL.

Any contravention can be penalized requiring fines to be paid.

Article 63 - Official Documents

All official documents and official information are valid only if they are distributed by the President, the Treasurer and the Secretary. NBOs are obliged to respect this and are responsible for its enforcement within their own Federations.

Article 64 - Signatures On Official Documents

Contracts, agreements and all other documents requiring the stamp of authority of the EBL must be signed by the President.

Article 65 - Supremacy of Statues

The Statutes of the EBL are the final and paramount authority and nothing contained in any Regulations shall operate as to circumvent or lessen the force and purport of Statutes.

The Statutes can be modified only by the General Assembly, and the Regulations only by the Executive Committee.

Article 66 - Unforeseen Circumstances

Cases not foreseen in the present Statues are resolved by the Executive Committee subject to ratification by the next General Assembly.

Article 67 - Decisions of General Assembly: Operative Date

The decisions taken at the General Assembly come into effect on January 1st, immediately in the following year unless otherwise decided by General Assembly.



Article 68 - Official Events

The official events of the EBL are the European Championships and the Executive Committee will drawn up their Policy and Rules & Regulations.

When aiming to carry out promotion of bridge or to enhance the income and/or prestige of the EBL, the EBL may organize events of a European character. Where necessary, regulations for these will be drawn up by the Executive Committee.



Article 69 - Dissolution

The dissolution of the EBL may only be effected by an Extraordinary General Assembly convened especially for this purpose.

In the case of dissolution of the EBL the General Assembly will appoint a liquidator.

The net assets of the EBL will be donated to one or more national or international organizations having aims similar to those of the League.



Article 70 - Date of Commencement

These Statutes come into immediate effect (replacing the previous Statutes of the EBL which were adopted at Maastricht, The Netherlands in August 2000) subject to the Transitional Provisions set out in this Chapter XIX.

Article 71 - Elections and Term

The EBL President and the Executive Committee elected at the 2007 Ordinary General Assembly will hold office for three years up to the Ordinary General Assembly to be held in 2010.

Article 72 - Termination of Transitional Provisions

This Chapter XIX (Transitional Provisions Articles 70, 71 and 72) shall cease to have effect from the Ordinary General Assembly to be held in 2010.

Approved by an Extraordinary General Assembly convened in Antalya, Turkey, on 21 June 2007.