Exercise No4
© A85
¨ J8
§ AQ85 |
© K1074
§103 |
© J96
¨ Q6
§ K97642 |
© Q32
¨ AK753
§ J |
South is declarer in 4ª and has won the first trick: ¨10-J-Q-A.
He plays §J for the K in east, which is left open on the table, the others
close their cards. East starts thinking and after about one minute
- South discards the ©3 thinking to play to trick
3 on the §K. TD!
- The same happens but now west plays the ©4 after
which east asks what is happening, since he still has to lead.
An extra:
The same happens but now west plays the §10, assuming to follow suit.
Again East asks what is going on.
To see the answer of the exercise, click
Exercise No5
ª QJ
© --
§ 3 |
© J1085
¨ --
§ -- |
© Q9
¨ 98
§ -- |
ª 7
© --
¨ 6
§ J5 |
South is declarer in 3NT and has made 7 tricks so far. East
got a major penalty card (©9) in the previous trick, as such decided by
the players themselves , and west gained the lead with the ªA.
South now calls the TD.
Given that option south will tell west that he is not allowed to play
hearts after which west looks puzzled and
- plays the ©J. TD
- plays the ©5. TD. After having lost the last 4
tricks south questions the lead with the ©5 in stead of the J. East
will say that he always is going to play the ©Q of course.
To see the answer of the exercise, click
Exercise No6
Board 15 - S/NS |
ª K864
© 865(3)2
¨ 62
§ 1092
ª AQ752
© A
¨ K984
§ J73
© Q974
¨ AQ10753
§ 6 |
ª 109(4)
© KJ103
¨ J
§ AKQ854
East is declarer in 5¨ doubled. South plays §A, §K, East
ruffs the second club, plays ªJ, won by the King in North who plays back
a spade. East ruffs with ¨A, South and West following suit (ª10 and ª5).
Now East says that he has revoked. He plays the ª3 and wants to play the
ªQ from dummy.
- South has 10,9 in spades. Declarer will say that
he never asked for any card from dummy because he was busy "working
on his revoke". NS admit this.
- South has 10,9 in spades. Declarer says the same
as in Version A, but NS are sure that East made some kind of gesture.
If the TD keeps firm he reluctantly will admit.
- South has 10,9,4 in spades and played the 9 in
the first spade trick. East reluctantly admits that he let dummy play
a small spade.
To see the answer of the exercise, click
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