This section contains material related to Tournament Direction. Available subsections are:  
The EBL Official Register is a table with the names of qualified Tournament Directors appointed by the EBL for a certain period. They fall into several categories according to their knowledge, experience, etc.  
The TD Record provides information on the Tournament Directors served in particular tournaments.  
Courses for Tournament Directors are organized every few years by the EBL in order to train TDs who have already proved themselves at national level. The section provides all available material used in the courses, from preliminary information to lecture notes, tests and exercises, and results achieved by the participants. Regional workshops for Tournament Directors are also held.  
Seminars for Tournament Directors are organized every few years by the EBL in order to give qualified Tournamnet Directors the opportunity to meet and discuss issue of interpretation and Law application. This section provides whatever information becomes publicly available.  
TD Regulations. The current EBL Tournament Directors code.