he main complex which
will host the championships comprises three hotels, the Radisson SAS,
the San Gorg Corinthia and the Marina Corinthia.

Open Teams and the Vugraph will
probably be located at the Radisson, and the Ladies Pairs, Ladies
Teams as well as the Senior
Teams, will be at the San Gorg (the EBL reserve the right to
switch the playing venues). The San Gorg is only 2 minutes walk from the
Radisson and the Marina is 2 minutes from the San Gorg and
4 minutes from the Radisson.
three hotels are very modern and comfortable with direct sea frontage. Special
group rates have been obtained by the EBL for all participants and the Press.
Special reduced rates have also been obtained from several other hotels within
a 10-15 minutes walk from the playing venues. Hotels beyond those suggested are
not really recommended as the weather will be hot and taxis are expensive.
Also, traffic can be very heavy.