1st European Winter Games

Monaco • 5 - 11 February 2016


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  ° Format
  ° Programme
  ° Conditions of Contest
  ° Entries
  ° Entry Fees
Registration - Participants

 • Format

 The Championships comprise the following events:

    • Zimmermann Cup. A great Teams Tournament of one week, with three days of qualification (swiss movement) and four days of Knock-outs… And of course, an impressive prize-list!
    • FMB BAM Trophy. For those who didn’t qualify for the Knock-out phase of the Zimmermann Cup, or for those who just wish to play a great Board-a-Match event, two days of qualification and two days of finals… and of course, a great prize-list!

Apart from the prizes, for both events there will also be awarded EBL Masterpoints.

 • Prize List


  • EBL Medals: European Bridge League Gold, Silver and Bronze  Medals will be awarded.
  • Trophy The winning team of the main event will receive the Zimmermann Trophy.
  • EBL Masterpoints

Cash Prizes

  • Winner: 35.000 Euros
  • Second: 25.000 Euros
  • Third: 12.500 Euros
  • Fourth: 7.500 Euros
  • 5th to 8th: 3.000 Euros each
  • 9th to 16th: 1.500 Euros each


  • FMB Medals Fédération Monégasque de Bridge
    Gold, Silver
     and Bronze Medals will be awarded.
  • EBL Masterpoints

Cash Prizes
Final A

  • Winner: 8.000 Euros
  • Second: 6.000 Euros
  • Third: 4.000 Euros
  • Fourth: 2.500 Euros
  • 5th to 8th: 1.250 Euros each

Final B

  • Winner: 4.000 Euros
  • Second: 2.500 Euros
  • Third: 1.500 Euros
  • 4th - 5th: 1.000 Euros each

 • Programme

Date Time Event
Friday February 5 12.00 – 21.00 Zimmermann Cup (Swiss Qualification Rounds 1-5)
Saturday February 610.00 – 19.30 Zimmermann Cup (Swiss Qualification Rounds 6-10)
Sunday February 710.00 – 19.45
Zimmermann Cup (Swiss Qualification Rounds 11-15)
Cocktail offered by the Government of Monaco
Monday February 8 10.00 – 20.10
14.00 – 20.10
Zimmermann Cup (Round of 16)
FMB BAM Trophy (Qualification Rounds 1-2)
Tuesday February 910.00 – 20.10
10.00 – 20.10
Zimmermann Cup (Quarterfinal)
FMB BAM Trophy (Qualification Rounds 3-5)
Wednesday February 1010.00 – 20.10
10.00 – 20.10
Zimmermann Cup (Semifinal)
FMB BAM Trophy (Final A & B)
Thursday February 1110.00 – 20.10
10.00 – 20.10
Zimmermann Cup (Final)
FMB BAM Trophy (Final A & B)

 • Conditions of Contest

 • Entries - Registration

Entries to the events should be submitted electronically via the EBL Website (not by email) latest two days prior to the starting date of the respective event. Later entries will be accepted only if technically convenient.

Bridge players from all WBF zones are entitled to participate in the Championships provided they are members in good standing of a National Bridge Organization (NBO).

To be eligible for participation in the 1st European Winter Games a player must comply with the EBL Rules & Regulations and the EBL Eligibility Code under the control of the EBL Credentials Committee.

Entries received will be automatically forwarded to the NBO of each proposed player, and are subject to their NBO’s approval. Cancelations for reasons of force majeur shall be made at the earliest opportunity and the entry fee will be refunded. “No Shows” without valid reasons are subject to sanctions at the discretion of the EBL. Withdrawals of accepted entries are subject to the same deadline.

 • Entry Fees

Entry fees for the medal events are to be paid by bank transfer, to

Bank account

Important: Please remember to write the team name in the transaction.

For later registrations: to be paid in cash (Euros) at the Tournament Reception & Registration Desk in the venue.

Event Entry fees

Zimmermann Cup + FMB BAM Trophy € 1.250
FMB BAM Trophy Only € 500
Special entry for Ladies Teams: Zimmermann Cup + FMB BAM Trophy € 750
Special entry for Junior Teams: Zimmermann Cup + FMB BAM Trophy € 500

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