Mixed Pairs Final 1st session
Board 14. Dealer East. None Vul. |
| ♠ K 9 6 3 ♥ 9 2 ♦ A K 9 ♣ A 8 4 2 | ♠ 7 4 ♥ K Q J 8 ♦ J 10 |  |
♠ A J 10 8 ♥ 10 6 4 ♦ Q 8 3 2 | | ♠ Q 5 2 ♥ A 7 5 3 ♦ 7 6 5 4 ♣ 10 9 |
West | North | East | South
Uysal | Zia | Babac | Auken
| | Pass | Pass
1NT* | Dble | Pass | Pass
2♣ | Pass | Pass | Dble<
All Pass
* 11-13
< Take out
It is tough to get the last word into any conversation when Zia is around. Sabine Auken managed it in the pairs Final.
After the kami-kaze One No-trump opening in third seat at unfavourable vulnerability, Auken doubled Two Clubs for take-out, and Zia converted it to penalties.
The lead was a top diamond and a switch to the heart nine. When declarer played low from dummy Auken thought for nearly ten minutes before wining the ace. At this point all the spectators thought that this was the wrong defence, and that the contract would now make. But no; Sabine returned a spade at trick three, and now there were six top winners for the defence, one trick in each major and two in each minor. Note that the defenders need to set up a spade before it goes on the diamonds.
At the end of the deal Babac as East asked why Auken had not ducked the first heart to ensure she could give Zia a ruff. Auken’s response: ‘Zia was so busy talking to every one of his spectators, I assumed he had made a mistake!’