Lost Opportunity
by Roald Ramer
The incomparable Johan Cruijff keeps reminding the strikers not
to run too much: “after a rush of 50 metres you will deliver
the ball into the hands of the keeper” is one of his well-
known quotes. I had to think about his warning when listening to
the story of one unhappy captain on Monday evening.
After a relatively dull set of uneventful hands against one of
the weaker teams our South player forgot on board 12 to beat the
3NT contract misplayed by the declarer. This did not figure to lose
points but the lost opportunity prompted a rather violent reaction
from his partner. Directly on the following board our unhappy North
player tried to win some points by bidding a vulnerable game on
a part score deal. An easy double and a foul trump break cost us
800 on that ominous board 13. The first really interesting deal
of the set was the number 18.
Board 18. Dealer East. N/S Vul.
ª -
© Q 10 8 2
¨ K 8 7 5 3
§ K J 8 7 |
ª 7 6 5 4
© K J 7 6 4
¨ 2
§ A 5 3 |
ª A 8 3 2
© 9 5 3
¨ 10 6 4
§ 10 9 2 |
ª K Q J 10 9
© A
¨ A Q J 9
§ Q 6 4 |
West |
North |
East |
South |
Pass |
1§ |
1© |
2¨ |
Pass |
2ª |
Pass |
3§ |
Pass |
3¨ |
Pass |
3NT |
Pass |
4¨ |
Pass |
5§?? |
Pass |
6¨ |
All Pass |
1§ was a two way opening bid: weak no trump or any strong hand,
2¨ was not forcing. The rest was natural but the 5§ cue bid would
in my book promise the ace. With a second round control North could
make another bid – it depends on the partnership agreements
and the specific context which of the three available bids on the
four level should it be. But the luck was with North, as his partner
held the ©A.
East led a heart to declarer’s ace and West smoothly ducked
the spade king played from the table not knowing about the void
in the declarer’s hand. It is not advisable to go down in
a slam on trick two, but ruffing is not recommended if you do not
see any chance of making – it can only lead to down two and
a loss of 3 IMPs. Can you spot a successful line with all hands
open? In fact only the actual distribution of the EW hands allows
the contract to be made. You ruff in hand, enter the dummy with
a trump, ruff another spade and try to exit with the king of clubs.
West ducks once but he has no defence against the §J. Whether he
plays his ace now or ducks again, he is lost in either case. Taking
the ace offers declarer a much needed entry to the dummy, ducking
the ace leads postpones the execution by one trick only as both
lead to the following three cards ending with North on play.
ª -
© Q 10
¨ -
§ 8 |
ª -
© K J 7
¨ -
§ - |
ª -
© 9
¨ 10 6
§ - |
ª 9
© -
¨ A Q
§ - |
Should a top class player be able to visualise this end position
at the table? With a strong body and clear mind perhaps he could,
but certainly not any more after all that running on the previous