Super Mom
By Stefan Back
As you all know, Daniela von Arnim of the German Women's team is
here in a double function: a) as a player and b) as mom of a two
month-old daughter. It is no understatement, that Lara is not the
quietest baby on earth, so Daniela and her husband, Klaus "Rops"
Reps (npc of the German Open Team) have a lot to do cuddling her,
calming her down and carrying her around.
As Klaus sometimes thinks Daniela is "over-concerned"
about her little girl, he invented a new and slightly ironical nickname
for his wife: "Super Mom". Daniela on the other hand lives
in a continuous fear, that Klaus might take her daughter to "TV
soccer and beer" or lose her in the dark of the VueGraph.
Here is a typical dialogue from a couple a days ago, when Klaus
tried to walk away with Lara. Daniela: "Do you take her with
you?" Klaus: "Well, she will not implode if I do, will
After a match Daniela is always eager to leave the table and have
a look for her daughter to see if she is all right or in need of
some "food". Fortunately all this positive stress leaves
her with enough concentration to prove that "Super Mom"
is super at the table as well.
In round no. 16 against Iceland she had to play the following "Mini
3 NT":
K 10 8 4
© A Q 8 6 4
¨ J 8 3
§ Q |
6 5 2
© 7 5
¨ A 4 2
§ A K 7 4 2 |
West |
North |
East |
South |
Auken |
von Arnim |
Pass |
1ª |
pass |
2NT * |
Pass |
3NT |
all pass |
* invitational (probably a minimum, the aggressive style of their
opening bids given)
West led ªQ, which holds the trick, and switches to a small club
to the queen. What now?
Daniela called for a small heart and must have been happy to see
East win with ©10 and return another club. Now she finessed successfully
in hearts and cashed ©A to find the suit 3-3. After two more rounds
of hearts, she still is in dummy. What now?
K 10 8
¨ J 8 3
§ |
6 5
¨ A 4
§ K 7 |
Daniela now tried the effect of a small spade and the board was
over soon. Here is the full deal:
Board 12. Dealer West. N/S Vul.
ª K 10 8 4
© A Q 8 6 4
¨ J 8 3
§ Q |
ª Q J 9 3
© K J 2
¨ K 7
§ 10 9 8 3 |
ª A 7
© 10 9 3
¨ Q 10 9 6 5
§ J 6 5 |
ª 6 5 2
© 7 5
¨ A 4 2
§ A K 7 4 2 |
East had to take the ace and was left helpless to concede all the
tricks but one to "Super Mom", who scored a good-looking
3NT +1.
Eight boards later a hasty comparison confirmed
that scoring the vulnerable game had significantly helped to win
the match 25:4. But "Super Mom" still looks very focussed
and maybe, but only maybe, a little concerned: "By the way,
has anyone seen Rops with the baby?"