> TD Regulations



1 - Introduction 2 - Organisation
3 - Tournament Directors' Committee 4 - Nomination, Function & Responsibilities of Chairman
5 - Nomination, Function and Responsibilities of the TD Committee 6 - The Secretary of the TD Committee
7 - National TD Commissioners 8 - EBL Official TD Register
9 - TD Professional Categories 10 - NBO International TDs
11 - EBL TDs 12 - Accreditation, Qualification & Duties of the Chief TD
13 - Accreditation, Qualification & Duties of the Assistant Chief TD 14 - Function and Duties of the EDL TD
15 - Request for Promotion to Superior Category 16 - Honorary Category
17 - Incompatibility 18 - Removal from the Official TD Register
19 - Removal Upon Request 20 - Removal for Failure to Practice
21 - Removal for Striking Off 22 - Suspension
23 - Re-registration 24 - Professional Refresher Courses
25 - Examinations 26 - Examination Board
27 - Ethics 28 - Rights of Registered TDs
29 - Duties of Registered TDs 30 - Appointment of the Chief TD of the EBL Championships

Article 1 - Introduction

All bridge competitions and Championships organised directly by the European Bridge League or whose organisation has been delegated by the EBL to an NBO or other organiser, must be run and directed by Tournament Directors who are authorised and recognised by the EBL by special appointment.

Compliance with the above provision is an essential requirement for the EBL's validation of competition results and rankings and the award of EBL MasterPoints.

All NBOs are expected to be aware of and observe the aforementioned provision.

Article 2 - Organisation

The institutional aims of the EBL in tournament directing are carried out by the Tournament Directors Committee - TD Committee.

The organisation, recruitment, training and employment of EBL Tournament Directors in EBL events is the responsibility of the TD Committee.

Article 3 - Tournament Directors Committee

The TD Committee is composed of a Chairman, four members and a Secretary nominated by the EBL Executive Committee. The TD Committee holds office for the same four-year period of office as the EBL. The EBL Executive Committee may withdraw nominations during the period.

The TD Committee meets at least once a year. Meetings are valid only if the majority of members is present. Decisions are taken by majority vote and in the case of a tie the Chairman has the deciding vote.

The minutes of meetings must be sent to the EBL President.

Article 4 - Nomination, function and responsibilities of the Chairman

The Chairman must be an Executive Committee Member. The Chairman has the following function and responsibilities:

  • He chairs the Committee which he convokes upon his own initiative. He provides the Agenda for Committee meetings;
  • He supervises and controls all TD organisation and is responsible for this with the Executive Committee;
  • He nominates the Chief TD, his Assistants and all TDs of EBL Championships and tournaments and reports to the EBL Executive Committee about their activity. All nominations must ensure a correct TD rotation in order to guarantee the best professional activity and distribution of all concerned;
  • Having considered the opinion of the TD Committee, he proposes to the Executive Committee the attribution of qualifications of TDs;
  • He initiates disciplinary action of TDs, transmitting the acts to the EBL Disciplinary Commission;

The Chairman cannot carry out Tournament Directing activities during his chairmanship.

Article 5 - Nomination, function and responsibilities of the TD Committee

The four members are nominated by the Executive Committee on the proposal of the Chairman of the TD Committee. Two of them should be Chief or Assistant Chief TDs and one should be an EBL Grand Master.

The TD Committee has the following function and responsibilities:

  • it supervises Tournament Directing activity at all events;
  • it manages funds received from the EBL;
  • it takes care of the improvement and optimisation of the technical training of TDs;
  • it decides and organises training and refresher courses, appointing the lecturers and tutors;
  • it decides and organises the examinations for the promotion of TDs, appointing the members of the examination Committee;
  • it studies, prepares, executes and develops didactic material for the training and updating of TD categories;
  • it proposes to the Executive Committee which then deliberates upon registrations, suspensions, expulsion and re-registration of TDs in the EBL Official TD Register and the attribution of category;
  • it proposes to the Executive Committee which then deliberates upon salaries, per diem and reimbursement of expenses of TDs appointed to direct EBL events;
  • it proposes to the Executive Committee which then deliberates upon the nominations of National TD Commissioners;
  • it accredits merit to TDs who have shown distinction in their activities.

Article 6 - The Secretary of the TD Committee

The Secretary is nominated by the Executive Committee on the proposal of the Chairman of the TD Committee. He participates, without the right to vote, in Committee meetings and takes the minutes of the meetings.

The Secretary ensures the execution of the deliberations of the Committee under the supervision of the Chairman and is responsible for keeping documents, registers and minutes.

Article 7 - National TD Commissioners

Commissioners are nominated by the Executive Committee on the proposal of the Chairman of the TD Committee, and in consultation with the NBO President, and are in office for a two-year period. Nominations may be withdrawn during this period.

At the end of the two-year term of office Commissioners may be re-nominated.

A Commissioner is entrusted by the EBL to organise and develop the activity of Tournament Directing in his country and in particular is responsible for:

  • the supervision of the conduct and behaviour in the bridge activity of TDs of his country who are on the EBL Official TD;
  • the annual report to the Chairman of the TD Committee on the activity of TDs of the countries for which he is responsible and the indication of any questions or requirements with regard to the category of TDs;
  • informing to the Chairman of the TD Committee immediately, and within 48 hours from the occurrence of, or from being acquainted with the facts or matters which carry disciplinary effects for TDs in the countries for which he is responsible;
  • the control that TD courses in his countries are adequately advertised and checking that these courses are organised correctly in accordance with EBL directives;
  • requesting to the TD Committee the organisation of training and refresher courses in his own countries.

Article 8 - EBL Official TD Register

The EBL TD Register is instituted.

Those who have the right shall be registered in the Official Register according to a progressive numeration and grouped into various categories according to their qualification.

A change of category does not necessitate any variation to the registration number which remains unaltered while the registration is effective.

The Official Register is kept by the EBL under the supervision of the Chairman of the TD Committee and is open to public consultation with the NBOs.

The list of TDs, updated to 31st December, shall be sent to the NBOs and shall also be displayed on the EBL web-site.

Article 9 - TD Professional Categories

TDs are divided into two categories according to their training and professional competence:

  • NBO International TD;
  • EBL TD.

The above-mentioned categories are accredited to those with the necessary requirements who have passed the relevant examinations by the Executive Committee, on the proposal of the TD Committee.

The qualification and professional category, certified by a card and certificate issued by the EBL and signed by the EBL President and the Chairman of the TD Committee, are valid from the date of accreditation.

Article 10 - NBO International TDs

The category of NBO International TD is accredited to those over twenty-one years old, who have passed the relevant examinations before the special board of examiners and who fulfil the following requirements:

  • they are registered as TDs with an NBO;
  • they have not been convicted of an intentional offence;
  • they have not been disqualified or have been prohibited for more than a year by the WBF, EBL, NOC, NBO to which they belong, another EBL NBO or any other Sports Federation;
  • they are not subject to any disciplinary or pending judiciary procedures;
  • they are not sanctioned;

The initial inability, discovered after registration, or the subsequent failure to fulfil any one of the prerequisites listed in points a), b) and c), will result in immediate and definitive loss of category.

In the case of d) and e) the registered TD will be suspended for the relevant period.

An NBO International TD can directly assume the responsibility to direct any international event organised by an NBO and may cooperate with and assist the EBL TD in his duties.

Article 11 - EBL TD

The category of EBL TD is accredited to those NBO International TDs who have a very good knowledge of English, have passed the relevant examinations before the special board of examiners and who are not subject to any disciplinary or pending judiciary procedures or are sanctioned.

The category provides for three merit qualifications:

  • EBL TD;
  • Assistant Chief TD;
  • Chief TD;

The qualifications listed in points b) and c) are accredited by the Executive Committee on the proposal of the TD Committee.

Article 12 - Accreditation, Qualification and Duties of the Chief TD

The qualification of Chief TD is accredited to those EBL Assistant Chief TDs who, in addition to having distinguished themselves in their activity have shown: capacity to organise, guide and manage competitions; sense of group organisation; attitude in communicating with colleagues, subordinates, officers and players; excellent knowledge of English.

The EBL Chief TD can assume direct responsibility for directing the Championships and other international competitions.

Article 13 - Accreditation, Qualification and Duties of the Assistant Chief TD

The qualification of Assistant Chief TD is accredited to those EBL TDs who, in addition to having distinguished themselves in directing and in their behaviour and deontology have shown: full knowledge of the International Code and all laws, rules and regulations concerning the organisation, running and directing bridge tournaments; excellent knowledge of technical bridge, both in the bidding and the playing of the cards; ability to manage the playing room.

The EBL Assistant Chief TD cooperates with the Chief TD in managing and directing Championships and can assume direct responsibility for directing a section of them and any other international competition.

Article 14 - Function and Duties of the EBL TD

The EBL TD manages and directs at Championships following instructions from and under the responsibility of the Chief TD or Assistant Chief TD. The EBL TD may be responsible for any international competition or national competition, which awards EBL MasterPoints, organised by NBOs.

Article 15 - Request for Promotion to Superior Category

Requests for promotion from NBO International TD to EBL TD must be presented to the EBL at least 30 days before the examinations and must include:

  • auto-certification of possession of required prerequisites;
  • certification of having participated successfully in professional training and refresher courses;
  • personal Curriculum indicating previous professional activity;
  • opinion of the appropriate NBO President and National Commissioner.

Promotion to a superior category may be requested by an NBO International TD after a minimum period of four years, which may be reduced to two years by the TD Committee.

Article 16 - Honorary Category

The title of EBL Honorary TD is accredited to those EBL TDs who, having reached the highest level of TD qualification and having distinguished themselves particularly, have ceased their directing activity, by the EBL Executive Committee on the proposal of the TD Committee. The title is for life.

Article 17 - Incompatibility

The activity of directing is incompatible with the office of Member of the EBL Executive Committee and General Counsel, of Member of the Disciplinary Commission or Committee or any other position specified by the EBL Laws and Regulations.

During the period of office the TD will maintain his place on the Register and category but may not carry out any TD activity.

Article 18 - Removal from the Official TD Register

Removal from the Official TD Register is deliberated by the TD Committee and must be ratified by the Executive Committee. Removal may be a consequence of:

  • application from the registered member himself;
  • failure to practice;
  • striking off.

Removal is effective for all purposes from the date on which the Executive Committee ratifies the decision on this issue except for the case provided for in a) in which case removal becomes effective from the date on which the EBL receives the application. Removal results in loss of qualification and category.

Notice of the removal must be sent by registered post to the person concerned, the President of his NBO and the NBO Commissioner.

Article 19 - Removal upon Request

Every member may ask to be removed from the Official TD Register by submitting an application to the EBL.

Article 20 - Removal for Failure to Practice

Failure to practice by a registered member for more than two years, irrespective of the category to which the member belongs, except when he has proficiently attended refresher courses, results in removal from the Official TD Register.

Practice is proved by transmitting TD Reports to the EBL.

It is considered failure to practice when a member declines three times, not necessarily consecutively, to accept a task assigned to him except for refusals due to legitimate impediments which are adequately documented.

Article 21 - Removal for Striking Off

Expulsion from one's NBO, decided by its competent authority, results in automatic invalidation of qualifications, registration and removal from the Official TD Register.
Removal from the Official TD Register may also be decided by the Disciplinary Commission.

Article 22 - Suspension

Suspension from the Official TD Register may be a consequence of:

  • application from the registered member himself, for a period of not more than two years. Beyond this period of two years, the provisions of article 20 are applicable;
  • suspension from Federal activity decided by the TD's NBO;
  • suspension from EBL activity decided by the EBL Disciplinary Commission.

Article 23 - Re-registration

Re-registration with the Official TD Register, on application submitted by a person who has been cancelled from it, except for cases provided for in article 21 for which re-registration is not allowed, is deliberated by the Executive Committee on the proposal of the TD Committee.

Re-registration requires fulfilment of the following prerequisites.

The applicant shall be interviewed by the EBL TD Committee. Should the applicant pass the interview, the TD Committee should indicate the category at which the candidate should be re-registered in the Official TD Register. The category cannot, in any case, be of a superior grade to the candidate's previous one but may be inferior. Should the result of the interview be negative, the candidate may ask to sit an examination after an interval of at least six months.

Article 24 - Professional Refresher Courses

Professional refresher courses are organised by the TD Committee.

The TD Committee decides the subjects for discussion and course organisation. Information on courses is sent to all interested parties.

Article 25 - Examinations

The Chairman of the TD Committee sends to all interested parties at an appropriate time in advance information on the venues, dates, terms and conditions of examination sessions. Examinations consist of written, oral and practical sessions and concern knowledge of the game, in both the bidding and card play, International Code, EBL Systems Policy, EBL Laws, Rules and Regulations, on the competent directing in the playing room, the conduct of appeals and on behaviour.

The Examination Board may at its discretion pass or fail a candidate based on the results in the examination. Candidates deemed inappropriate may sit the examination once again after a period of one year. This period may be reduced to six months by the TD Committee.

Article 26 - Examination Board

The Examination Board is appointed by the TD Committee and is composed of the Chairman of the TD Committee who chairs it, two TDs, preferably chosen by the Chief TDs and Assistant Chief TDs, one EBL Grand Master and one expert in Code, Laws and Systems.

In case the Chairman is unable to attend, he will appoint a substitute, chosen from among adequately qualified TD Committee members and he will also appoint the person who will chair the Board. If necessary the Board may nominate one or more sub-commissions.

Article 27 - Ethics

Registered members of the EBL Official TD Register are expected to comply with the moral rules provided for by the EBL Laws and Regulations.

In particular, they should maintain an appropriate standard of behaviour and strictly respect the deontological criteria which underlie the activity of TDs and the direction of bridge competitions. The competition direction should always be inspired by the fundamental concepts of diligence, competence and utmost professionalism, which also underline membership of the category of EBL TDs in relation to contestants, colleagues, the EBL and its Organs, representatives, membership and third parties.

Supervision of the observance of the deontological rules is the responsibility of the Disciplinary Commission.

Article 28 - Rights of Registered TDs

Persons registered in the Official TD Register have the right to bear the title achieved.

TDs have the right to defend their own image and honour. They also have the right of protection as may be necessary by the EBL, NBOs and other competition organisers.

For their professional services TDs are entitled to fees, expenses and allowances to be paid by the structures in which they operate or carry out their activity.

TDs have the right to wear the EBL uniform at any bridge event organised under the auspices of the EBL.

Article 29 - Duties of Registered TDs

TDs are bound to:

  • comply with the EBL Statutes, Laws, Rules and Regulations, these specific Regulations and any directive given by the EBL or the TD Committee;
  • maintain appropriate behaviour in strict respect of deontological criteria;
  • compile their own professional Curriculum truthfully;
  • direct competitions, participate in courses and meetings for which they are appointed or convoked by the appropriate bodies, except in case of legitimate impediment of force majeur;
  • send reports on competitions;
  • attend refresher courses organised by the EBL or National Commissioners;
  • carry their TD badge visibly during the whole competition;
  • wear the EBL uniform;
  • inform, verbally or in writing as appropriate, any interested party whom they intend to discipline.

Article 30 - Appointment of the Chief TD of the EBL Championships

For every Championship or event the TD Committee Chairman will appoint the Chief TD who will be the only person responsible for all matters relating to directing the competition.

In particular the Chief TD must:

  • assign the roles and duties to his Assistants and staff, deciding rosters where necessary;
  • supervise and coordinate the directing of all assistants, checking that it is always carried out in the best way possible and fulfilling the aim of the event;
  • write a report on the running of the Championship, detailing the events which required TD intervention and which may result in disciplinary action, enclosing the relevant reports from assistants, and also all the documents relating to complaints;
  • write a report on his assistants' work and on their level of professionalism; suggesting possible improvements to raise the standard of their work and indicating in any case their attitude.

The TD Committee Chairman, in consultation with the Chief TD, will also appoint for the same competition the Assistant Chief TDs and all other TDs for the Championship.

All appointments must be ratified by the EBL Presidential Council.

Approved by the EBL Executive Committee, Tenerife, Spain, June 2001.

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