Origin of EMPs awarded to: currently classified in:
Alexander DUBININ
Russia / RUS&500033


Record Historic Rank
Open:  70
Juniors:  1718
Open:  2167
Juniors:  2167
European Champion
Open:  165
Open:  428

Event Venue Rank EMPs Title
39th WORLD TEAMS - Transnational Teams Sao Paulo 2009 4 60  
4th EUROPEAN OPEN CHAMPIONSHIPS - Mixed Pairs Sanremo 2009 25 2  
7th EUROPEAN CHAMPIONS' CUP Amsterdam 2008 7 17  
13th WORLD BRIDGE GAMES - Transnational Teams Beijing 2008 2 75  
49th EUROPEAN TEAMS - Open Teams Pau 2008 2 200 EGM 
6th EUROPEAN CHAMPIONS' CUP Wroclaw 2007 2 80  
38th WORLD TEAMS - Transnational Teams Shanghai 2007 2 125  
3rd EUROPEAN OPEN CHAMPIONSHIPS - Mixed Teams Antalya 2007 2 30  
3rd EUROPEAN OPEN CHAMPIONSHIPS - Mixed Pairs Antalya 2007 10 22  
3rd EUROPEAN OPEN CHAMPIONSHIPS - Open Pairs Antalya 2007 5 90  
48th EUROPEAN TEAMS - Open Teams Warsaw 2006 18 16  
12th WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS - Open Pairs Verona 2006 28 17  
12th WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS - Mixed Pairs Verona 2006 22 2  
37th WORLD TEAMS - Transnational Teams Estoril 2005 3 90  
4th EUROPEAN CHAMPIONS' CUP Brussels 2005 10 8  
EGM: European Grand Master / EM: European Master
European Champion: Open / Women / Seniors / Juniors / Mixed

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