EMPs awarded at the:

10th European Transnational Championships

Open Teams

10th European Transnational Ch

Name Country EBLCode Rank EMPs Title
Simon EKENBERG Sweden SWE41685 17 5    
Espen ERICHSEN England ENG117763 17 5    
Matko FERENCA Croatia CRO13138 17 5    
Peter FREDIN Sweden SWE2514 17 5    
Stephane GARCIA France FRA&975015 17 5    
Tommy GARVEY Ireland IRL11G15 17 5    
Thomas GOTARD Germany GER&500610 17 5    
Paul GRUENKE Germany GER32476 17 5    
Romaric GUTH France FRA5533337 17 5    
Tom HANLON Ireland IRL02H25 17 5    
Nicolai HEIBERG-EVENSTAD Norway NOR43344 17 5    
Thor Erik HOFTANISKA England ENG438143 17 5    
Ismail KANDEMIR Turkiye TUR340272 17 5    
Filip KATUSIC Croatia CRO11302 17 5    
Emre KAYA Turkiye TUR430021 17 5    
EGM: European Grand Master / EM: European Master
European Champion: Open / Women / Seniors / Juniors / Mixed

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