EMPs awarded at the:



Lille 1998

Name Country EBLCode Rank EMPs Title
Giorgio DUBOIN Italy ITADBG012 9 3    
Neville EBER South Africa RSA37 9 3    
Hans FRERICHS Germany GER&500086 9 3    
Lars GOLDBERG Sweden SWE9298 9 3    
Eva-Liss GOTHE Sweden SWE5285 9 3    
Tommy GULLBERG Sweden SWE9047 9 3    
Helmut HAEUSLER Germany GER&500120 9 3    
George JACOBS U.S.A. USAM454928 9 3    
Maurice JOFFE South Africa RSA&500028 9 3    
Sagie KATZ Israel ISR006242 9 3    
Francois LEENHARDT France FRA858699 9 3    
- MAGIC - EUR&500330 9 3    
Henry MANSELL South Africa RSA&500031 9 3    
Reiner MARSAL Germany GER2085 9 3    
Krzysztof MARTENS Poland POL&500397 9 3    
EGM: European Grand Master / EM: European Master
European Champion: Open / Women / Seniors / Juniors / Mixed

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