EMPs awarded at the:



Menton 2003

Name Country EBLCode Rank EMPs Title
Michel EIDI Lebanon LIB1190 9 10    
Bjorn FALLENIUS Sweden SWE4470 9 10    
Uri GILBOA Israel ISR005238 9 10    
Krojgaard GRAVERSEN Denmark DEN&500025 9 10    
Faycal HAMDAN Lebanon LIB1000 9 10    
Gabriel HARFOUCHE Lebanon LIB1462 9 10    
Matthew HOSKINS England ENG11648 9 10    
Igor KHAZANOV Russia RUS99771 9 10    
Yury KHYUPPENEN Russia RUS&500058 9 10    
Eric O. KOKISH Canada CANJ278754 9 10    
Niels KROEJGAARD Denmark DEN1315 9 10    
Bobby LEVIN U.S.A. USAM607600 9 10    
Zia MAHMOOD U.S.A. USAO426271 9 10    
Krzysztof MARTENS Poland POL&500397 9 10    
Malcolm MAYER New Zealand NZL&500026 9 10    
EGM: European Grand Master / EM: European Master
European Champion: Open / Women / Seniors / Juniors / Mixed

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