EMPs awarded at the:

10th European Transnational Championships

Open Pairs

10th European Transnational Ch

Name Country EBLCode Rank EMPs Title
Julian STEFANOV Bulgaria BUL&500037 23 27    
Krzysztof BURAS Poland POL7291 24 24    
Piotr LUTOSTANSKI Poland POL6336 24 24 EM   
Lionel SEBBANE France FRA1326869 25 21    
Paul SEGUINEAU France FRA1218008 25 21    
Nir KHUTORSKY Israel ISR23739 26 19    
Aviv ZEITAK Israel ISR23751 26 19    
Shahzaad NATT England ENG469895 27 17    
Ian PAGAN England ENG90293 27 17    
Jerzy ROMANOWSKI France FRA3201134 28 15    
Wojciech ROZWADOWSKI Poland POL&500550 28 15    
Jean-Paul BALIAN France FRA406513 29 13    
Colin DEHEEGER France FRA2055657 29 13    
Anurag MOHOTA India IND&500281 30 11    
Basant MOHOTA India IND&500939 30 11    
EGM: European Grand Master / EM: European Master
European Champion: Open / Women / Seniors / Juniors / Mixed

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