EMPs awarded at the:



Lille 1998

Name Country EBLCode Rank EMPs Title
Ali YALMAN Turkiye TUR341508 10 10    
Ali YALMAN Turkiye TUR341508 10 10    
Turan YAVUZ Turkiye TUR590174 10 10    
Pierre ADAD France FRA800096 9 3    
Rikard ANDERSSON Sweden SWE51719 9 3    
Maurice AUJALEU France FRA395211 9 3    
Cezary BALICKI Poland POL1221 9 3    
Grant BAZE U.S.A. USAQ977321 9 3    
Michel BESSIS France FRA802860 9 3    
Norberto BOCCHI Italy ITABCT008 9 3    
Tomas BRENNING Sweden SWE4472 9 3    
Gus CALDERWOOD England ENG71864 9 3    
Tim COPE South Africa RSA1599 9 3    
Nicolas DECHELETTE France FRA397085 9 3    
Nicola DEL BUONO Italy ITADLG036 9 3    
EGM: European Grand Master / EM: European Master
European Champion: Open / Women / Seniors / Juniors / Mixed

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