EMPs awarded at the:

26th European Youth Team Championships

U21 Teams

Samorin 2017

Name Country EBLCode Rank EMPs Title
Gabriele GIUBILO Italy ITAGBL050 6 6    
Gianmarco GIUBILO Italy ITAGBC022 6 6    
Federico PORTA Italy ITAPRC295 6 6    
Sebastiano SCATA Italy ITASCN421 6 6    
Luc BELLICAUD France FRA5576436 7 3    
Arthur BOULIN France FRA2395045 7 3    
Melic DUFRENE France FRA2207935 7 3    
Maxence FRAGOLA France FRA3634416 7 3    
Theo GUILLEMIN France FRA2395334 7 3    
Florian ALTER Germany GER38942 8 3    
Maximilian LITTERST Germany GER42225 8 3    
Viktor OTTO Germany GER39136 8 3    
Philipp PABST Germany GER37821 8 3    
Sibrand VAN OOSTEN Germany GER34290TMP 8 3    
Leonard VORNKAHL Germany GER&500705 8 3    
EGM: European Grand Master / EM: European Master
European Champion: Open / Women / Seniors / Juniors / Mixed

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