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Seniors Classification

Current Record

Rank Name Country EBLCode EMPs Title
1 Michal KWIECIEN Poland POL05171 1126 EGM / S, J
2 Wlodzimierz STARKOWSKI Poland POL&500601 1086 EGM / S
3 Apolinary KOWALSKI Poland POL6706 868 EGM / O, S
4 Jorgen Cilleborg HANSEN Denmark DEN19306 842 EGM
  Steen SCHOU Denmark DEN2195 842 EGM
7 Anders MORATH Sweden SWE4664 701 EGM
8 Piotr BIZON Poland POL08312 660 EM / S
9 Per Gunnar ELIASSON Sweden SWE2827 636 EM
10 Johnny OSTBERG Sweden SWE&500376 556 EM
11 Dorthe SCHALTZ Denmark DEN12620 524 EGM / M
  Peter SCHALTZ Denmark DEN12535 524 EGM / M
13 Marek BLAT Poland POL&500851 518 EM / S
14 Victor MARKOWICZ Poland POL&501135 507 EGM / S
15 Knud-Aage BOESGAARD Denmark DEN18709 497 EM
  Hans Christian NIELSEN Denmark DEN5712 497 EM
EGM: European Grand Master / EM: European Master
European Champion: Open / Women / Seniors / Juniors / Mixed

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