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Women Classification

Current Record

Rank Name Country EBLCode EMPs Title
1 Justyna ZMUDA Poland POL10085 1468 EGM / W, M
2 Benedicte CRONIER France FRA26478 1373 EGM / W, J, M
3 Katarzyna DUFRAT Poland POL12450 1345 EGM / W
4 Kathrine BERTHEAU Sweden SWE81089 1298 EGM / W
5 Sally BROCK England ENG83361 1285 EGM / W
6 Joanna ZOCHOWSKA France FRA3865930 1196 EGM / W, M
7 Vanessa REESS France FRA167793 1177 EGM / M
8 Anna SARNIAK Poland POL6909 1173 EGM / W
9 Cathy BALDYSZ Poland POL&500911 1096 EGM / W
10 Fiona BROWN England ENG417398 1086 EGM / W
11 Jessica LARSSON Sweden SWE17400 1082 EGM / W
12 Danuta KAZMUCHA Poland POL9138 1018 EGM / W
13 Nevena SENIOR England ENG100956 1011 EGM / W
14 Ida GRONKVIST Sweden SWE81083 980 EGM / W, J
15 Sylvie GOMBERT France FRA813429 950 EGM / W, M
EGM: European Grand Master / EM: European Master
European Champion: Open / Women / Seniors / Juniors / Mixed

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