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Open Classification

Historic record

Rank Name Country EBLCode EMPs Title
7110 Vincent VIDALAT France FRA6915542 1  
  Christian VIKOR Hungary HUN&500196 1  
  Roefi VILIER Netherlands NED6111029 1  
  Enzo VILLI Italy ITAVLZ001 1  
  Eriks VILUNAS Latvia LAT98678 1  
  Charlotte VINE England ENG61605 1  
  Maria VINOGRADOVA Russia RUS&500348 1  
  Stef VISSINGA Netherlands NED&500791 1  
  Pavle VITAS Serbia SER&500033 1  
  Vaidotas VITKAUSKAS Lithuania LTU&500095 1  
  Floris VLAANDEREN Netherlands NED10623923 1  
  Frits VLAANDEREN Netherlands NED10623842 1  
  Vasiliy VLADYKIN Russia RUS&500326 1  
  Petr VOLHEJN Czech Republic CZE2909 1  
  Mallory VOLKER Germany GER&500367 1  
EGM: European Grand Master / EM: European Master
European Champion: Open / Women / Seniors / Juniors / Mixed

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