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Youth Classification

Current Record

Rank Name Country EBLCode EMPs Title
16 Luc BELLICAUD France FRA5576436 145  
17 Jakub PATREUHA Poland POL14782 141  
18 Margaux KUREK BEAULIEU France FRA9969322 139  
19 Federico PORTA Italy ITAPRC295 134  
20 Sofie Grasholt SJODAL Norway NOR38921 130  
21 Tomasz KIELBASA Poland POL17167 129  
22 Pierre BEDOUET France FRA5662706 118  
23 Krzysztof CICHY Poland POL&501178 104  
24 Mayalo BJOERK HEED Sweden SWE58763 101  
  Theo GUILLEMIN France FRA2395334 101 J
  Andrea NILSSON Sweden SWE58762 101  
27 Gabriele GIUBILO Italy ITAGBL050 98  
28 Maxence FRAGOLA France FRA3634416 97 J
29 Gianmarco GIUBILO Italy ITAGBC022 94  
30 Federica DALPOZZO Italy ITADLC249 92  
EGM: European Grand Master / EM: European Master
European Champion: Open / Women / Seniors / Juniors / Mixed

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