2nd European Winter Transnational Championships
Prague, Czech Rebublic • 14 - 20 February 2025


Team name
   • Select the Team competition you wish to enter.
   • Enter the team name. Any name is acceptable if it comprises a minimum of three and a maximum of twenty characters. The 26 (capital) letters of the Latin alphabet may be used, as well as the ten digits (0,1,2,…) and space.
Team roster
   • A team consists of 4, 5 or 6 players and, possibly, a captain and/or a coach. No team with less than 4 players may be registered.
   • You will be asked to enter 4 (or 5, or 6) players first; then you may enter the captain and/or coach.
   • Only persons already registered in the WBF/EBL database may be entered. You may check if a person is already in the database through the EBL website.
   • To enter a person in the database, click here to get the appropriate form. Newly registered persons may take up to 2 working days to appear in the database.

Team Name: