56th European Team Championships Round 18 Mixed Teams

Table Home Team Visiting Team IMPs VPs
Home Team Visit. Team Home Team Visit. Team
61 ENGLAND IRELAND 58 54 11.20 8.80
62 HUNGARY SERBIA 55 15 18.09 1.41
63 SWEDEN BELGIUM 68 20 18.97 1.03
64 DENMARK ROMANIA 1 36 2.55 17.45
65 NETHERLANDS TURKIYE 52 31 15.19 4.81
66 WALES POLAND 38 48 7.20 12.80
67 FRANCE SCOTLAND 41 27 13.75 6.25
68 GERMANY LATVIA 51 9 18.33 1.67
69 SPAIN UKRAINE 29 67 1.85 17.55
70 ITALY NORWAY 60 18 18.33 1.67
71 SWITZERLAND ISRAEL 20 60 1.91 18.09
72 PORTUGAL Bye 0 0 12 0.00

• For the team record, click on the team name
• For the match scorecard, click on the table number
• To see all hand records of this round, in web form, click here

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Final Rankings

Rank Team VPs
1 ISRAEL 252.53
2 FRANCE 237.69
3 SWEDEN 213.02
4 ITALY 205.23
5 DENMARK 203.24
6 POLAND 198.47
7 SERBIA 196.26
8 GERMANY 194.48
9 BELGIUM 193.22
10 HUNGARY 192.46
11 ROMANIA 189.84
12 ENGLAND 185.84
14 PORTUGAL 180.67
15 WALES 176.05
16 LATVIA 174.03
17 TURKIYE 168.58
19 NORWAY 149.56
20 SPAIN 134.24
21 IRELAND 127.38
22 UKRAINE 124.41
23 SCOTLAND 118.35