10th European Transnational Championships Team
Open Teams

    IMPs VPs    
Round Opponent POL Opponent POL Opponent Total VPs Ranking
1 BASF 19 5 14.54 5.46 14.54 25
2 PARTYPACK 30 7 16.59 3.41 31.13 8
3 PATCHWORK DYNAMITE 5 25 4.03 15.97 35.16 25
4 DE BOTTON 24 31 7.49 12.51 42.65 39
5 DE MICHELIS 38 25 14.28 5.72 56.93 30
6 BRIDGE24PL B 18 11 12.51 7.49 69.44 24
7 FRANCE GREEN 22 42 4.03 15.97 73.47 40
8 MAVERICKS 15 22 7.49 12.51 80.96 45
9 BV WALDSOLMS 20 11 13.14 6.86 94.1 36
10 GERMANY OPEN 13 6 12.51 7.49 106.61 32
11 COYNE 18 17 10.39 9.61 117 36
12 HARARI 28 22 12.18 7.82 129.18 32
13 MORAN 5 35 2.16 17.84 131.34 42
14 MAURITIUS 17 22 8.15 11.85 139.49 49
15 HELLAS TEAM 46 30 15.05 4.95 154.54 41

   • To see the round total results click on the round number.
   • To see which players played in a specific match click on the opponent.
   • To see a specific match scorecard, click on this round's total VPs or Ranking.
   • To see another team's program and results, select the team name: 

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