10th European Transnational Championships Team
Open Teams

    IMPs VPs    
Round Opponent - Opponent - Opponent Total VPs Ranking
1 AJ DIAMENT 11 18 7.49 12.51 7.49 61
2 DUGUET 17 10 12.51 7.49 20 46
3 BRIDGE24PL B 12 24 6.00 14.00 26 60
4 REVANCHE 43 37 12.18 7.82 38.18 48
5 MM BRIDGE ACADEMY 15 7 12.83 7.17 51.01 47
6 BUDAPEST QUARTETT 29 8 16.18 3.82 67.19 29
7 BC HAPOEL 41 25 15.05 4.95 82.24 17
8 MCALLISTER 40 24 15.05 4.95 97.29 13
9 SANDFIA 24 32 7.17 12.83 104.46 16
10 ROSENTHAL 30 19 13.72 6.28 118.18 14
11 CROATIA 20 36 4.95 15.05 123.13 22
12 FRANCE PURPLE 11 15 8.50 11.50 131.63 28
13 PATCHWORK DYNAMITE 12 11 10.39 9.61 142.02 27
14 KAPLAN 20 8 14.00 6.00 156.02 21
15 DAISY CHAIN 13 49 1.29 18.71 157.31 37

   • To see the round total results click on the round number.
   • To see which players played in a specific match click on the opponent.
   • To see a specific match scorecard, click on this round's total VPs or Ranking.
   • To see another team's program and results, select the team name: 

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