10th European Transnational Championships Team
Open Teams

    IMPs VPs    
Round Opponent - Opponent - Opponent Total VPs Ranking
1 SLOVAKIA 10 31 3.82 16.18 3.82 82
2 ZIGGY 0 35 1.42 18.58 5.24 92
3 BV WALDSOLMS 5 10 8.15 11.85 13.39 92
4 BRIDGESCANNER 4 45 9 18.71 1.29 32.1 72
5 VERTYS 22 17 11.85 8.15 43.95 63
6 CUMBRE VIEJA 2 25 3.41 16.59 47.36 80
7 GLOSENDAS 34 40 7.82 12.18 55.18 78
8 GILLIS 27 45 4.48 15.52 59.66 84
9 AUSTRIA 39 31 12.83 7.17 72.49 78
10 BASF 11 19 7.17 12.83 79.66 82
11 VALIO 29 31 9.23 10.77 88.89 84
12 TRANSREGIONAL 39 29 13.43 6.57 102.32 76
13 AMOUR DU BRIDGE 37 2 18.58 1.42 120.9 62
14 MKMP 57 7 20.00 0.00 140.9 46
15 BALIAN 29 7 16.39 3.61 157.29 38

   • To see the round total results click on the round number.
   • To see which players played in a specific match click on the opponent.
   • To see a specific match scorecard, click on this round's total VPs or Ranking.
   • To see another team's program and results, select the team name: 

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