2006 Bridge Awards in China
by Fu Tsiang
In 2006, the CCBA (China Contract Bridge Association) Magazine organized the selection of their Hands of the Year in the following categories: bidding, play and defence. The awards are named after Shen Hua, the sponsor.
During the year, editors collected many deals from events held by the CCBA. In March 2007, a committee consisting of players, journalists and officials voted for the winners. Coincidentally, all of the winners are from Beijing, but they play for different bridge clubs.
2006 Shen Hua Bidding Award
Winner: Hou Xu
From: Open Final of National Championship, 30th March
Board 49. Dealer North. None Vul. |
| ♠ A K 8 ♥ J ♦ J 10 8 7 ♣ K 10 9 6 2 | ♠ – ♥ K Q 10 6 2 ♦ A K 9 6 5 4 2 ♣ 5 |  | ♠ Q 10 9 ♥ A 8 7 5 4 3 ♦ Q ♣ A 8 7 | | ♠ J 7 6 5 4 3 2 ♥ 9 ♦ 3 ♣ Q J 4 3 |
West | North | East | South
Hou Xu | Shi HaoJun | Li Jie | Zhuang ZeJun |
| 1♣ | 1♥ | 3♦
4♥ | 4♠ | Pass | Pass
5♥ | Pass | Pass | 5♠
6♣! | Pass | 6♥ | All Pass
After East’s One Heart overcall, it was easy for West to visualize a slam. At many other tables, West jumped directly to Seven Hearts with this hand. But Hou Xu treated it more skillfully and successfully.
When South showed a spade pre-empt, with his 3♦ bid, Hou Xu knew that, although they could make a heart slam, the trouble was that their suit was lower than that of the opponents. If North/South followed the heart contract with a spade bid step by step, EW would never get the slam bonus. Worse, they didn’t know how many tricks a spade contract would be down.
First, Hou Xu selected a little Four Heart bid. Even if it were passed out, maybe it could result in a higher score than was available from a spade penalty. North called Four Spades and Hou Xu bid Five Hearts as planned. This was passed to South, who saved in Five Spades.
Now Hou Xu popped the long-planned and serious Six Clubs. He hoped Six Clubs would have two effects: firstly, it requested a club lead if North declared a spade contract. At such a high level, this would normally show a club void. If North/South believed this, possibly they would not continue to the six or seven-level – East/West could play their heart slam in peace.
Secondly, if North/South still bid to Six Spades, Hou Xu was ready to bid Seven Hearts. South might be confused by the pseudo-cuebid and make a wrong lead. If South didn’t lead a club, Seven Hearts might be made even if East did not hold the club ace.
Finally, North/South kept quiet and East/West played the heart slam they hoped for.
In the other room the auction was:
West | North | East | South
| 1♣ | 1♥ | 1♠
4♥ | 4♠ | Pass | Pass
5♠ | Dble | 7♥ | 7♠
Dble | All Pass
| | |
Six Hearts plus one versus Seven Spades doubled down four won Hou Xu’s team 5 IMPs, even though they did not reach the grand slam.