Double Dummy
The Problem:
If previous problems have featured techniques that one might just
conceivably use in real life, today’s problem is definitely
extremely artificial and I, while part of the solution involves
a technique that has a practical value, none of us will ever have
to play in quite this fashion at the table.
Hidden Side of Bridge
ª J 9 4 3 2
© -
¨ A 4 3 2
§ 5 4 3 2 |
ª 10 8
© K Q J 10 9 8 7 6 5 4
¨ -
§ Q |
ª K 7
© 2
¨ K Q J 10 9 8
§ K J 10 9 |
ª A Q 6 5
© A 3
¨ 7 6 5
§ A 8 7 6 |
Contract: 4ª
Lead: ©K
The Solution:
To make 4ª declarer must start with the strange play of ruffing
the heart lead in dummy and dropping the ace from hand. He draws
two rounds of trumps with the aid of the finesse, cashes the §A,
then leads the ©3 to West, discarding a diamond from dummy.
West is obliged to lead a heart and declarer throws a diamond
from dummy and a club from hand. The next trick is the same two
discards, leaving:
ª J 9
© -
¨ A
§ 5 4 3 |
ª -
© 9 8 7 6 5 4
¨ -
§ - |
ª -
© -
¨ K Q J
§ K J 10 |
ª 6 5
© -
¨ 7 6 5
§ 8 |
At trick eight, West leads yet another heart and declarer ruffs
in dummy, throwing the last club from hand. Now:
If East threw a diamond at trick eight, cash the ¨A, ruff a club,
ruff a diamond, ruff a club and cash the last diamond (this option
will be particularly appealing to those players who know about the
beer card (the ¨7)).
If East threw a club at trick eight, club ruff, ¨A, club ruff,
diamond ruff, cash the last club.