19th European Youth Team Championships Page 5 Bulletin 3 - Wednesday, 4 August  2004

Double Dummy Problem


The Problem:

Today’s Double Dummy Problem in the Bridge Teatowel series is called The Undertaker. In English, an undertaker is a man who looks after the dead, preparing and then burying or cremating them. There is also a clue to the winning play in the title if you take the literal meaning of the word though, of course, that literal meaning for the word does not actually exist in English.

The Undertaker
  ª 6 4 3
© -
¨ 10 6 5 4 3 2
§ 8 4 3 2
ª -
© K Q J 10 6 5 4 3 2
¨ Q J
§ K Q
Bridge deal ª Q 10 8 7
© A 9 8 7
¨ 9 8 7
§ 10 9
  ª A K J 9 5 2
© -
¨ A K
§ A J 7 6 5

Contract: 6ª
Lead: ©K

The Solution:

  ª 6 4 3
© -
¨ 10 6 5 4 3 2
§ 8 4 3 2
ª -
© K Q J 10 6 5 4 3 2
¨ Q J
§ K Q
Bridge deal ª Q 10 8 7
© A 9 8 7
¨ 9 8 7
§ 10 9
  ª A K J 9 5 2
© -
¨ A K
§ A J 7 6 5

Declarer must ruff the heart lead with dummy’s three and under-ruff in hand, then lead a spade and cover East’s card as cheaply as possible. He cashes the two diamonds then plays ace of clubs, unblocking the eight, then a second club.

When West wins the club he has to lead a heart. Declarer ruffs with dummy’s six and, for a second time, under-ruffs in hand. He leads winning diamonds through East until the defender ruffs. If and when that happens, declarer can over-ruff, draw trumps and cash winning clubs to make his contract.


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