Match of the Day
Norway v Belgium - Juniors
Round 2
My personal fancy to win the Junior title here in Torquay are the
defending champions, Norway. For Round 2 I thought I had better
take a look to see how sound my judgement might be. Norway faced
Belgium, a team that had started with a good win on Sunday evening.
In the early running, it looked as though my judgement was seriously
wrong as Belgium built up a very useful lead.
Board 1. Dealer North. None Vul.
ª K 10 3
© 4
¨ Q 9 8 2
§ A Q J 6 3 |
ª Q 8 6 5 4
© K 7 3 2
¨ 5 3
§ K 9 |
ª A 7 2
© A Q J 10 8 6 5
¨ K 10
§ 5 |
ª J 9
© 9
¨ A J 7 6 4
§ 10 8 7 4 2 |
West |
North |
East |
South |
W v Parijs |
Harr |
J v Parijs |
Sundklakk |
- |
1§ |
1© |
2§ |
2© |
3§ |
4© |
5§ |
5© |
All Pass |
West |
North |
East |
South |
Joekstad |
Cornelis |
Ellestad |
Peeters |
- |
1§ |
1© |
2§ |
2© |
3§ |
3¨ |
Dble |
3© |
5§ |
Dble |
All Pass |
If my partner's 1§
opening promised three or more cards, I think that I would want
to bid more than just 2§
on the South cards when East overcalls 1©.
Gunnar Harr had indeed promised three clubs and Stian Sundklakk
did only raise to 2§
but then took a second bid when his opponents reached the heart
game. When Wim van Parijs went on to 5©,
neither North nor South had a hand suitable to double. However,
the lie of the cards is very bad for East/West and Harr was three
down for -150.
Tom Cornelis had not promised three clubs,
his opening showing either clubs or any balanced 12-19 or 24+,
making Kevin Peeters' raise to 2§
quite normal. The key to this auction, however, was Olav Ellestad's
decision to make a game try of 3¨
rather than just jump to 4©.
That allowed Peeters to show his diamonds and now the double
fit encouraged Cornelis to try the club game even though his
opponents had not bid to 4©.
Of course, the lie of the cards which had doomed 5©
to down three at the other table was just what Cornelis required
to make 5§ doubled.
Ellestad cashed his two aces and continued spades but Cornelis
just took the minor-suit finesses for eleven tricks; +550 and
9 IMPs to Belgium. |
Tom Cornelis, Belgium
Board 5. Dealer North. North/South Vul.
ª A 7 5 4 3 2
© 10 7 4 2
¨ Q
§ 9 3 |
ª -
© A 9 5
¨ K 10 6 3
§ A 8 7 5 4 2 |
ª Q 9
© K Q J 8 6 3
¨ 5 2
§ K Q 6 |
ª K J 10 8 6
© -
¨ A J 9 8 7 4
§ J 10 |
West |
North |
East |
South |
W v Parijs |
Harr |
J v Parijs |
Sundklakk |
- |
Pass |
1© |
1ª |
2§ |
4ª |
5§ |
5ª |
6§ |
Pass |
Pass |
Dble |
All Pass |
West |
North |
East |
South |
Joekstad |
Cornelis |
Ellestad |
Peeters |
- |
Pass |
1© |
2© |
3§ |
4ª |
5§ |
5ª |
6§ |
Pass |
Pass |
6ª |
Pass |
Pass |
Dble |
All Pass |
Where Sundklakk was happy to start with a simple overcall on the
South cards, Peeters preferred to show spades and a minor via a
Michaels Cuebid. The auctions were pretty much identical from there
until the respective Souths had to decide what to do when 6§
was passed around to them. In theory, Sundklakk did the right thing
when he doubled as 6ª
is easily beaten by a club lead and continuation. Harr led the ¨Q
to Sundklakk's ace, received a diamond ruff, and in turn gave his
partner a heart ruff for down two; -300.

Ellestad Olav, Norway |
In theory, Peeters misjudged when he went on to 6ª
in the other room, however, Ellestad failed to find the killing
club lead. After ruffing the actual lead of the ©K,
Cornelis played a spade to the ace then ace of diamonds and
ruffed a diamond before drawing the last trump. Two more diamond
ruffs established the suit and declarer just had to concede
a club at the end; twelve tricks for +1660 and 16 IMPs to
The Belgian lead had increased to 39-5 IMPs after six deals
but now the momentum shifted with a vengeance.
Board 7. Dealer South. All Vul.
J 10 8 2
© Q 10
¨ A K
§ A 9 7 6 3 |
Q 7 6
© K J 4 2
¨ Q J 4
§ Q 10 8 |
A 4 3
© 9 8 7 6 5 3
¨ 8 6 5
§ 4 |
K 9 5
© A
¨ 10 9 7 3 2
§ K J 5 2 |
West |
North |
East |
South |
W v Parijs |
Harr |
J v Parijs |
Sundklakk |
- |
- |
- |
Pass |
Pass |
1§ |
Pass |
1¨ |
Pass |
1ª |
Pass |
3§ |
Pass |
3© |
Pass |
3ª |
Pass |
3NT |
All Pass |
West |
North |
East |
South |
Joekstad |
Cornelis |
Ellestad |
Peeters |
- |
- |
- |
Pass |
Pass |
1§ |
Pass |
1© |
Pass |
1ª |
Pass |
2© |
Dble |
Pass |
Pass |
3§ |
Pass |
3NT |
All Pass |
Although the Norwegian auction seems to indicate that they have
a four-three spade fit in the Closed Room, Jef van Parijs chose
to lead a low spade. That did not matter as Wim won the queen and
switched to a low heart to the ten, five and ace. However, when
Harr cleared the clubs, the defence got into a tangle and somehow
allowed him to emerge with nine tricks. The details are not suitable
reading for those of a delicate constitution.
In the Open Room, Peeters, 1©
response showed 8+ HCP with less than four hearts and 1ª
showed four spades and 12-15 HCP. The 2©
bid was game-forcing and, after Peeters had shown his club
support, the same contract of 3NT was reached. Here, however,
Ronny Joekstad's double of 2©
had made certain of a heart lead. Declarer won the ace and
cleared the clubs and Joekstad thought for a moment then laid
down the ©K.
With the ace of spades to come that meant three down; -300
and 14 IMPs to Norway.
On vugraph, Greece found a slightly unusual way to gain 3
IMPs on the above deal. Their North/South pair had an uncontested
auction: 1¨
- 1ª - 2§
- 2© - 2ª
- 3§ - 3©
- 4NT - 5©
- 6§ - Pass.
This contract was two down, declarer losing a trump and two
spades, but with the Dutch 3NT going three down in the other
room going two down in a freely bid slam was a winning board
for the Greeks.
Peeters Gill, Belgium
Board 8. Dealer West. None Vul.
ª 9 5 4 3 2
© 7 2
¨ 8 4
§ A 6 5 2 |
ª K 6
© 10 9 5 3
¨ A K J 5
§ 9 7 3 |
ª A Q J
© A 8 4
¨ 9 7 6 3
§ Q 8 4 |
ª 10 8 7
© K Q J 6
¨ Q 10 2
§ K J 10 |
West |
North |
East |
South |
W v Parijs |
Harr |
J v Parijs |
Sundklakk |
2¨ |
Pass |
3¨ |
All Pass |
West |
North |
East |
South |
Joekstad |
Cornelis |
Ellestad |
Peeters |
Pass |
Pass |
1¨ |
Pass |
1© |
Pass |
1NT |
Pass |
3NT |
All Pass |
Van Parijs's 2¨
opening showed 6-11 with four or more diamonds and a four-card major,
and the 3¨ raise
was to play. With 3NT apparently a trick short, making 3¨
after a trump lead looked to be a decent result for the Belgians;
Norway bid to 3NT in the other room, the rebid showing a weak no
trump and Joekstad making the aggressive raise to game. Peeters
led the ©K, getting
a discouraging two from partner, ducked by Ellestad. He switched
to a spade, won in hand with the ace, and Ellestad led a diamond
to the jack then cashed a top diamond to discover the even break.
Now he made the clever play of a club to the queen. When Peeters
won the king, he placed declarer with the §A
and therefore not with the ©A.
He switched to a low heart and that ran to Ellestad's eight, his
ninth trick. That was +400 and 7 IMPs to Norway.
Board 11. Dealer South. None Vul.
ª A K J 7 6
© A K 10
¨ J 8 7 6
§ A |
ª Q 5
© J 8 6 3
¨ A 3
§ J 7 6 4 3 |
ª 10 8 4 3
© 9 5 2
¨ K 4
§ K 8 5 2 |
ª 9 2
© Q 7 4
¨ Q 10 9 5 2
§ Q 10 9 |
West |
North |
East |
South |
W v Parijs |
Harr |
J v Parijs |
Sundklakk |
- |
- |
- |
Pass |
2§ |
Dble |
3§ |
Pass |
Pass |
3ª |
Pass |
3NT |
All Pass |
West |
North |
East |
South |
Joekstad |
Cornelis |
Ellestad |
Peeters |
- |
- |
- |
Pass |
Pass |
1NT |
Pass |
2§ |
Pass |
2ª |
Pass |
3NT |
All Pass |
Midway through the match it was still Belgium by 40-27 IMPs, but
they had scored their last IMPs, while there was a string of swings
to Norway, though they missed a chance on this deal. In the Closed
Room, Sundklakk had been allowed to bring home his 3NT game with
an overtrick for a healthy +430.
In the Open Room, the 1NT opening was artificial, a semi-game force.
Two Clubs was a relay, and 2ª
showed five or more spades and a powerful hand but not a game-force.
Peeters closed proceedings with a jump to 3NT.
Ellestad led the §2
and when Cornelis played the nine from dummy Joekstad played low
smoothly, retaining his jack. Cornelis cashed the ace of spades
then crossed to the ©Q
to lead a spade towards his jack. When the queen appeared, he contemplated
ducking but finally won the king and played two more rounds of spades.
On these, Joekstad threw a low diamond and a low heart, leaving
Ellestad in no doubt that he was supposed to lead a second club.
He duly did so but Cornelis got it right by putting up the queen
and that was his ninth trick; +400 but 1 IMP to Norway.
The defence can prevail but West must keep his fourth heart, throwing
two clubs away, and East return a heart when in with the spade.
If East wins the first round of diamonds, the long heart can be
established before declarer can get the diamonds going and he is
a trick short.
In the vugraph match, Greece played 3NT down three after a losing
club guess, on the auction 1ª
- 1NT - 3¨ - 3NT
- Pass, but The Netherlands reached a much better spot. After the
same first three bids, Maarten Schollardt raised to 5¨,
and with just the two top trumps to lose there was no problem in
making that for +400 and 11 IMPs to The Netherlands.
Board 12. Dealer West. North/South Vul.
ª K Q 7 5 3
© 6
¨ K J 10 8 5
§ A J |
ª J 10 8 6
© 8 2
¨ 9 4
§ K 6 5 4 3 |
ª 2
© Q J 7 5
¨ A Q 7 6 2
§ Q 7 2 |
ª A 9 4
© A K 10 9 4 3
¨ 3
§ 10 9 8 |
West |
North |
East |
South |
W v Parijs |
Harr |
J v Parijs |
Sundklakk |
Pass |
1ª |
2¨ |
2© |
Pass |
2NT |
Pass |
4ª |
All Pass |
West |
North |
East |
South |
Joekstad |
Cornelis |
Ellestad |
Peeters |
2ª |
Pass |
3§ |
3© |
Pass |
3NT |
All Pass |
In the Closed Room, Jef van Parijs made a slightly surprising 2¨
overcall rather than a take-out double of 1ª.
That choice did not affect the North/South auction unduly and the
Norwegians soon reached the normal spade game. Van Parijs led his
singleton trump to the eight and queen and Harr immediately led
the ¨10 from hand.
When East ducked, declarer was in control. He continued with the
¨K to the ace and
a ruff and, though the next diamond could be over-ruffed by West,
that was with a trump trick; +620.
Joekstad's 2ª opening
was weak with four spades and a longer minor, and that did affect
the North/South auction, of course. Ellestad's response was pass
or correct and Peeters overcalled in his strong six-card heart suit.
Inevitably, Cornelis tried 3NT over that, ending the auction.
Ellestad led a low diamond against 3NT. Cornelis won the ¨9
with his ten and played a heart. When Ellestad played low, a finesse
of the ten would have brought home the contract, but that play is
against the odds and Cornelis preferred to play three rounds of
hearts from the top. Ellestad won the third round and switched to
a low club and, after some thought, Joekstad played low, so Cornelis
won the jack. Cornelis now cashed the §A,
crossed to the ace of spades and exited with dummy's last club.
This was not a success. Joekstad won and cashed clubs before playing
a diamond through for down three; -300 and 14 IMPs to Norway.
Board 13. Dealer North. All Vul.
ª A K 7 3
© Q 10 2
¨ Q J 8 6
§ 10 4 |
ª 6 2
© A K J 9 7 3
¨ 9 7 2
§ J 6 |
ª 10 9 8 5
© 5 4
¨ K 5 3
§ K Q 9 3 |
ª Q J 4
© 8 6
¨ A 10 4
§ A 8 7 5 2 |
West |
North |
East |
South |
W v Parijs |
Harr |
J v Parijs |
Sundklakk |
- |
1¨ |
Pass |
1NT |
All Pass |
West |
North |
East |
South |
Joekstad |
Cornelis |
Ellestad |
Peeters |
- |
1§ |
Pass |
1© |
3© |
Pass |
Pass |
4§ |
Pass |
4¨ |
Pass |
5§ |
All Pass |
The Closed Room auction stopped in 1NT, which is entirely reasonable
with a combined 23-count. However, when the cards lay so kindly
that Sundklakk came home with ten tricks, he must have worried a
little that +180 might prove not to be enough. Sundklakk need not
have worried. In the Open Room, Cornelis opened 1§, either natural
or balanced, and the 1© response showed 8+ HCP but less than four
hearts. Joekstad's pre-emptive jump overcall left Peeters with a
problem at his next turn. He tried 4§, which Cornelis took to be
forcing and showed his diamonds. Peeters went back to clubs, naturally
enough, as there could not be an eight-card diamond fit. Five Clubs
was hopeless, and went three down, declarer losing two hearts and
three trump tricks; -300 and 10 IMPs to Norway.
Board 14. Dealer East. None Vul.
ª 7
© K Q J 9 4 2
¨ A J 10 7
§ J 5 |
ª K 10 8 6
© 8
¨ 6 5 2
§ K 9 4 3 2 |
ª A Q 9 5 4 2
© 10 6 3
¨ Q 8 3
§ 7 |
ª J 3
© A 7 5
¨ K 9 4
§ A Q 10 8 6 |
West |
North |
East |
South |
W v Parijs |
Harr |
J v Parijs |
Sundklakk |
- |
- |
Pass |
1NT |
Pass |
2¨ |
2ª |
Pass |
Pass |
3ª |
Pass |
4© |
4ª |
5© |
All Pass |
West |
North |
East |
South |
Joekstad |
Cornelis |
Ellestad |
Peeters |
- |
- |
2¨ |
2© |
Pass |
3© |
Pass |
4© |
Pass |
4NT |
Pass |
5© |
Pass |
6© |
All Pass |
The Belgian East/West pair do not play single-suited pre-empts
at the two level so Sundklakk was given the opportunity to open
1NT as South. Harr transferred to hearts before the East/West competition
began and he was well placed to go on to 5©
over the 4ª sacrifice.
The defence began with a spade to the ace and a switch to the singleton
club. Sundklakk went up with the ace and drew trumps before playing
a second club and the club winners provided two discards for diamonds
in dummy so there was no diamond guess; +450.
Ellestad opened a Multi 2¨
and Peeters overcall of 2©
was a transfer to clubs. When Peeters subsequently admitted to a
heart fit, Cornelis used RKCB then bid the heart slam. After a spade
to the ace, Ellestad switched to a trump. Peeters drew trumps and
took the club finesse; down one for -50 and 11 IMPs to Norway.
Board 15. Dealer South. North/South Vul.
ª Q 7 2
© J 8 6
¨ K 7 5
§ K 9 6 5 |
ª A 6
© K 10 9
¨ Q 10 9 2
§ J 10 8 2 |
ª K J 4 3
© Q 7 5 3 2
¨ 4
§ A Q 4 |
ª 10 9 8 5
© A 4
¨ A J 8 6 3
§ 7 3 |
West |
North |
East |
South |
W v Parijs |
Harr |
J v Parijs |
Sundklakk |
- |
- |
- |
Pass |
2§ |
All Pass |
West |
North |
East |
South |
Joekstad |
Cornelis |
Ellestad |
Peeters |
- |
- |
- |
Pass |
Pass |
Pass |
1© |
2¨ |
Pass |
3¨ |
Pass |
Pass |
Dble |
All Pass |
Wim van Parijs opened 2§,
6-11 with four plus clubs and a second suit, in the Closed Room.
Suspecting that the second suit would be diamonds, Jef passed and
2§ was the final
contract. Declarer won the trump lead in dummy, crossed to the ace
of spades and led the §J
to the king and ace. He effectively played the hand in no trump
from here and came to exactly eight tricks; +90 but a slight worry
as there appeared to be plenty of tricks available in hearts.
Plus 90 did indeed prove to be inadequate, but not because Norway
reached a heart game at the other table. After three passes, Ellestad
did open 1© but
Peeters made an ugly overcall of 2¨
and Joekstad passed, looking for a penalty. When Cornelis made a
perfectly normal raise to 3¨,
Joekstad doubled happily and led the ©9,
first and third from honours. Peeters won the ©A
and returned a heart, which was ducked to Ellestad's queen. He returned
a third heart for declarer to ruff. Peeters now led the ª10
and ran it to the jack. Now Ellestad switched to his trump, for
the nine and king, and declarer led the ªQ
off the table. Ellestad gave that a look but correctly refrained
from covering and Joekstad won the ace. He switched to the §J
to the king and ace and Ellestad cashed the §Q
and ªK then played
his last spade. Joekstad ruffed with the ¨10
and got out with a club. There was still the ¨Q
to come; four down for -1100 and 14 IMPs to Norway.
Board 16. Dealer West. East/West Vul.
K 9 7 6 5 2
© 10 9 5 4
¨ 10
§ 10 8 |
Q 3
© Q 8 7 2
¨ A 9 7 6 4 2
§ 2 |
A 10 8 4
© A J
¨ K Q J 3
§ 7 4 3 |
© K 6 3
¨ 8 5
§ A K Q J 9 6 5 |
West |
North |
East |
South |
W v Parijs |
Harr |
J v Parijs |
Sundklakk |
2¨ |
Pass |
2NT |
Pass |
3NT |
Pass |
4ª |
Pass |
5¨ |
All Pass |
West |
North |
East |
South |
Joekstad |
Cornelis |
Ellestad |
Peeters |
2© |
Pass |
2NT |
4§ |
4¨ |
4ª |
5¨ |
Pass |
Pass |
5ª |
Dble |
All Pass |
Parijs's 2¨ opening
was the by now familiar 6-11 with at least four-four in diamonds
and a major and 2NT enquired. 3NT showed the extra shape and the
final contract of 5¨
was the right one. Alas, a safe club lead gave nothing away and
declarer was not sufficiently inspired to pin the jack of spades
so went one down when the heart was offside; -100.
The result in the Closed Room was rendered almost meaningless by
events in the Open. Two Hearts was weak with four hearts plus a
longer minor and 2NT asked. Peeters intended his 4§
overcall to show just clubs, of course, but Cornelis explained it
as clubs and spades (Leaping Michaels). When Joekstad showed his
maximum with diamonds, Cornelis bid 4ª
then took the push to 5ª
when Ellestad bid the diamond game. Ellestad doubled, of course,
though he had been told that dummy would have a black two-suiter,
so could not have been expecting quite the penalty he actually collected.
Ellestad led the ¨K
and continued with the ¨Q,
ruffed by Cornelis, who did not look too enthusiastic about his
contract. He led the ©10
and Ellestad won the ace and switched to a club. Cornelis won in
hand, led to the king of hearts and tried a top club. Joekstad ruffed
and switched to the ªQ
for the king and ace. Ellestad led the ¨J
and Cornelis ruffed and tried a low trump. Ellestad won, cashed
the ª10 and played
a fourth diamond. Declarer ruffed and had to give the last two tricks
to Jeokstad for six down, -1400 and 17 IMPs to Norway.
Plus 1400 looks like a great result for Norway and, of course,
it was, but Joekstad was guilty of an expensive misdefence at the
end. Why? Because he kept the ©Q8
for the last two tricks and he is Norwegian. He could have kept
the ©Q and ¨7
and made the last trick with the seven of diamonds - the beer card!
Failure to win the last trick with the beer card when it could be
done at no risk should cost him a drink to each of his team-mates.
On the next deal, 3NT was played from opposite
sides of the table and this affected the opening lead. The Norwegians
duly made 3NT while Belgium went down for a further 10 IMPs to Norway.
Having trailed by 34 IMPs after six deals, they had come on strong
to win by a resounding 104-40 IMPs, 24.5-2.5 VPs.