Spain vs Bulgaria
Open Round 32
When Spain played against Bulgaria on VuGraph the teams were 2nd
and 3rd in the rankings with a gap of 14,5 V.P. between them, so
Bulgaria needed a big win to stay in the race for the silver.
Already on Board 2, Bulgaria got exactly what it was hoping for:
Board 2. Dealer East. N/S Vul.
ª 5 3
© A Q
¨ K 8 7 6 2
§ 8 7 3 2 |
ª J 9 8 2
© J 8 7
¨ 9 4
§ A J 10 6 |
ª A K Q 7 6 4
© 9 5 4
¨ 3
§ K Q 9 |
ª 10
© K 10 6 3 2
¨ A Q J 10 5
§ 5 4 |
Open Room |
West |
North |
East |
South |
Mihov |
Ventin |
Nanev |
Lantaron |
1ª |
2ª |
3ª |
4§ |
4ª |
Pass |
Pass |
Dble |
All Pass |
In the Open Room Lantaron entered the auction with a Michaels cuebid.
Though Ventin's card looked promising opposite long hearts and one
of the minors, he did well not to go all the way to the five-level.
Instead, he doubled 4ª where the defenders can cash four tricks.
Still, South had to find the lead of a red suit. He didn't and after
the club lead, declarer was happy to make ten tricks. In fact he
even could produce a doubled overtrick due to the favourable position
in hearts: win the first club, draw the trumps, pitch your stiff
diamond on the last club, ruff a diamond, cross to dummy with the
ªJ, ruff the last diamond in hand and exit with a heart.
Closed Room |
West |
North |
East |
South |
Lanzarotti |
Stamatov |
Buratti |
Karaivanov |
1ª |
2¨ |
2ª |
2NT |
4ª |
Pass |
Pass |
5¨ |
Pass |
Pass |
Dble |
All Pass |
In the Closed Room North never had the intention to defend a spade
contract and finally got doubled in 5¨. In this contract, South
lost the obvious three tricks. The swing was 12 IMPs to Bulgaria.
Board 4 again was big for Bulgaria where their light 1¨ opening
bid paid off in both rooms:
Board 4. Dealer West. All Vul.
ª J 8 3
© K Q
¨ A 10 8 6 5 3
§ 8 3 |
ª 7 2
© A 7 2
¨ K 9 7 2
§ K J 6 2 |
ª K Q
© J 8 4 3
¨ Q 4
§ A Q 9 7 4 |
ª A 10 9 6 5 4
© 10 9 6 5
¨ J
§ 10 5 |
Closed Room |
West |
North |
East |
South |
Lanzarotti |
Stamatov |
Buratti |
Karaivanov |
Pass |
1¨ |
Pass |
2ª |
Pass |
3ª |
All Pass |
Closed Stamatov-Karaivanov stole the part score in 3ª for exactly
nine tricks.
Open Room |
West |
North |
East |
South |
Mihov |
Ventin |
Nanev |
Lantaron |
1¨ |
Pass |
1© |
Pass |
1NT |
Pass |
3NT |
All Pass |
In the Open Room Nanev-Mihov bid 3NT as EW. A spade lead would
have led to two undertricks, but of course North led his longest
suit. Declarer inserted the queen in dummy and played all the clubs.
He then played a spade to South's Ace. South, who already had discarded
some spades, switched to a heart. Declarer, who read the position
perfectly, rose with the ace, first played another spade and then
a low heart from dummy to North, who was endplayed in diamonds.
Another 12 IMPs to Bulgaria.
In many Club systems the 2§ opening is natural. Both Lanzarotti-Buratti
and Mihov-Nanev use it , though their style is different as shown
on board 7:
Board 7. Dealer South. All Vul.
ª 8 7 3 2
© A 8 6 5
¨ K 2
§ A 6 5 |
ª K 6 5
© 3
¨ A J
§ K Q 10 9 8 3 2 |
ª A 10
© Q J 10 9 2
¨ Q 9 8 5
§ J 7 |
ª Q J 9 4
© K 7 4
¨ 10 7 6 4 3
§ 4 |
Open Room |
West |
North |
East |
South |
Mihov |
Ventin |
Nanev |
Lantaron |
Pass |
2§ |
Pass |
2© |
Pass |
3§ |
All Pass |
In spite of their aggressive bidding approach so far on VuGraph
Mihov-Nanev decided to stop in 3§.
Bulgaria +170.
Closed Room |
West |
North |
East |
South |
Lanzarotti |
Stamatov |
Buratti |
Karaivanov |
Pass |
2§ |
Pass |
2© |
Pass |
2NT |
Pass |
3NT |
All Pass |
Lanzarotti-Buratti however bid the excellent 3NT. There was nothing
to the play and Spain gained 10 IMP's.
The score stood at 21-14 to Bulgaria.
With the score at 34-19, board 17 arrived:
Board 17. Dealer North. None Vul.
ª 6 5
© K Q 10 9 4 3
¨ J 9 8 6
§ 5 |
ª A 7 4
© -
¨ A Q 10 5 4 3
§ 9 8 7 4 |
ª J 3
© J 8 7
¨ K 7
§ A K J 10 6 3 |
ª K Q 10 9 8 2
© A 6 5 2
¨ 2
§ Q 2 |
Closed Room |
West |
North |
East |
South |
Lanzarotti |
Stamatov |
Buratti |
Karaivanov |
2¨ |
3§ |
Dble |
6§ |
All Pass |
In the Closed Room Buratti-Lanzarotti were allowed to play in 6§
and made it with an overtrick. Opf course, the grand is cold. Spain
Open Room |
West |
North |
East |
South |
Mihov |
Ventin |
Nanev |
Lantaron |
2¨ |
3§ |
4© |
6§ |
Pass |
Pass |
6© |
Pass |
Pass |
7§ |
7© |
Dble |
All Pass |
MIHOV Vladimir, Bulgaria
On VuGraph we saw good bidding by both pairs. Like at the
other table, 2¨
was Multi. South did well to save in 6©
when the tray came back to him with 6§
on it. When Mihov invited for seven with his pass over 6©,
Nanev did the right thing by indeed bidding the grand. And
again Lantaron showed fine judgement by saving once more.
Very well done by all players, but only +500 to Bulgaria so
10 IMPs back to Spain.
Right on the next board Ivan Nanev was in the spotlight again:
Board 18. Dealer East. N/S Vul.
ª J 8
© A J
¨ A J 8 4 2
§ J 8 4 2 |
ª A 7 4 3 2
© 9 8 4 3
¨ 10 7 5 3
§ - |
ª Q 5
© K Q 10 5 2
¨ K
§ A Q 7 6 3 |
ª K 10 9 6
© 7 6
¨ Q 9 6
§ K 10 9 5 |
Closed Room |
West |
North |
East |
South |
Lanzarotti |
Stamatov |
Buratti |
Karaivanov |
1© |
Pass |
4© |
All Pass |
In the Closed Room East declared 4©. Against this contract, South
found the good lead of a heart. North won the ace and returned the
suit to declarer's king. A club was ruffed in dummy, followed by
a low spade from dummy to queen and king. At this point the contract
could not be made any more and in fact declarer went two down. Bulgaria
Open Room |
West |
North |
East |
South |
Mihov |
Ventin |
Nanev |
Lantaron |
1§ |
Pass |
1¨ |
Dble |
1© |
Dble |
4© |
All Pass |
In the Open Room South made the same lead against the same contract.
Declarer won the heart return and ruffed a club in dummy, just as
in the Closed Room. Quite unexpectedly Ivan Nanev then asked for
a diamond, North rose with the ace and played another diamond, ruffed
by declarer. Another club was ruffed in dummy and the third diamond
in hand, stripping South of the suit. Nanev completed his masterpiece
by playing §A and§Q to endplay South in spades. Brilliant, possibly
the best hand played during these Championships so far. Bulgaria
+420 here and 11 IMPs more.
The final score: 54-29 to Bulgaria, 20-10 V.P.
Both teams are beginning to look more and more certain of qualification.