England vs Germany
Women Round 14
By Tony Gordon
This potentially crucial match between the teams lying first and
joint second, was effectively decided in the bidding, with England
coming out on top 22-8, a result that reduced Germany's lead to
3 VPs over the Netherlands and 4 VPs over England.
Board 2. Dealer East. N/S Vul.
ª A 10 6 5
© 10 5 4
¨ Q
§ A K J 5 4 |
ª Q 2
© J 2
¨ A K 4 3 2
§ Q 10 7 6 |
ª 9 8
© Q 8 7 6
¨ 10 9 7 6
§ 9 8 2 |
ª K J 7 4 3
© A K 9 3
¨ J 8 5
§ 3 |
Closed Room |
West |
North |
East |
South |
Brunner |
Auken |
Goldenfield |
von Arnim |
Pass |
1ª |
Pass |
2© |
Pass |
2NT |
Pass |
4¨ |
Pass |
4NT |
Pass |
5© |
Pass |
6ª |
All Pass |
Sabine Auken showed at least an invitational spade raise with her
2© bid and then a good hand with short diamonds with her 4¨ bid.
Daniela von Arnim's 2NT had been a game try with an unspecified
shortage, and she then asked about keycards. The 5© response indicated
that one keycard and the ªQ were missing, but she judged to bid
the spade slam.
With the black suits behaving, there were no problems in the play
as dummy's club suit provided discards for her losing hearts. +1430
to Germany.
Open Room |
West |
North |
East |
South |
Rauscheid |
Smith |
Nehmert |
Dhondy |
Pass |
1ª |
Pass |
2NT |
Pass |
3© |
Pass |
4¨ |
Passs |
4© |
Pass |
4NT |
Pass |
5© |
Pass |
5ª |
All Pass |
The same situation arose in the other room where Nicola Smith began
with a game-forcing fit-showing 2NT. She also discovered that the
trump queen and a keycard were missing, but she settled for 5ª.
+680 to England, but 13 IMPs to Germany.
Board 3. Dealer South. E/W Vul.
ª 9 4 3
© -
¨ 8 7 6 2
§ K Q 8 7 5 4 |
ª A K 7 6
© J 9 8 7 6 4 2
¨ 5
§ 10 |
ª Q 8
© Q 5 3
¨ A Q J 10 9 4
§ J 6 |
ª J 10 5 2
© A K 10
¨ K 3
§ A 9 3 2 |
Open Room |
West |
North |
East |
South |
Rauscheid |
Smith |
Nehmert |
Dhondy |
1NT |
2¨ |
2NT |
Dble |
3§ |
4© |
5§ |
Dble |
All Pass |
Andrea Rauscheid decided to treat her hand as one-suited with hearts,
so she overcalled 2¨ to show a single-suited hand. After Smith's
Lebensohl 2NT, Pony Nehmert doubled to show values and this encouraged
Rauscheid to jump to 4©, but, after considerable thought, Smith
sacrificed in 5§. The defence took two spades and a spade ruff,
and the ¨A and a diamond ruff, so Heather Dhondy was three down
for +500 to Germany.
Closed Room |
West |
North |
East |
South |
Brunner |
Auken |
Goldenfield |
von Arnim |
1ª |
2© |
2NT |
4© |
Dble |
All Pass |
Von Arnim knew that Auken had a competitive hand with clubs, but
she decided to double 4©. This proved expensive when Auken, not
unreasonably, led a spade. Michelle Brunner won in hand and ruffed
out the ¨K. She then crossed to the ªQ and played the ¨J. Von Arnim
ruffed with the ©10, but Brunner over-ruffed, went back to dummy
with a spade ruff and continued with the ¨10 on which she discarded
her club as Von Arnim ruffed in with the ©K. There was only a further
trump trick to lose, so Brunner scored +990 for a 10-IMP gain to
Board 7. Dealer South. All Vul.
ª K Q 7
© 10 4
¨ Q 6 5 4 3 2
§ 7 3 |
ª 6 2
© 9 8 7 5 2
¨ 10 8
§ 6 5 4 2 |
ª 10 4 3
© Q 6 3
¨ A K J 9 7
§ K Q |
ª A J 9 8 5
© A K J
¨ -
§ A J 10 9 8 |
Closed Room |
West |
North |
East |
South |
Brunner |
Auken |
Goldenfield |
von Arnim |
1§ |
Pass |
2ª* |
Pass |
2NT |
Pass |
3§** |
Pass |
3ª |
Pass |
4ª |
All Pass |
* A balanced hand with a minor. ** Showing diamonds.
Open Room |
West |
North |
East |
South |
Rauscheid |
Smith |
Nehmert |
Dhondy |
1ª |
Pass |
2ª |
Pass |
3§ |
Pass |
4ª |
Pass |
5§ |
Pass |
5ª |
Pass |
6ª |
All Pass |
This board was the reverse of board 2. This time it was England
who pushed on to the making slam while Germany settled for game.
13 IMPs to England, who led 28-18 at this point.
There were two big swings to come, and they both went England's
way. The first came on board 13 when Germany played in the wrong
game and lost 13 IMPs, and the other came on board 15.
Board 15. Dealer South. N/S Vul.
ª K 8 7 4
© A 10 7 5 2
¨ 6 5 2
§ 10 |
ª A Q
© K 9 8 4 3
¨ A J
§ 8 7 6 5 |
ª J 10 9 2
© Q
¨ K 10 9 8 3
§ Q J 9 |
ª 6 5 3
© J 6
¨ Q 7 4
§ A K 4 3 2 |
Closed Room |
West |
North |
East |
South |
Brunner |
Auken |
Goldenfield |
von Arnim |
Pass |
1© |
Pass |
1ª |
Pass |
1NT |
Pass |
3NT |
All Pass |
It didn't seem unreasonable for Auken to lead a diamond on the
auction, but it gave Brunner her contract. Declarer won the ¨J at
trick one and cashed the ¨A. She then played a club, and was no
doubt grateful to see the appearance of the ten. Von Arnim won the
trick and switched to a low heart and Auken took her ace and continued
the suit, but the defence could come to only two clubs and two hearts,
so England scored +400.
Open Room |
West |
North |
East |
South |
Rauscheid |
Smith |
Nehmert |
Dhondy |
Pass |
1© |
Pass |
1ª |
Pass |
2§ |
Pass |
2NT |
Pass |
3NT |
All Pass |
The pushy 3NT contract was reached at the other table as well,
but with East as the declarer. Dhondy naturally led a low club,
and there was no way for Nehmert to get home as the cards lay, so
England scored +50 and gained a further 10 IMPs.
England eventually won the match by 62-26 IMPs
(22-8 VPs).