A good defense in the closed room was beaten by an even better
one in the open. It all happened when Spain met The Netherlands
in Round Three of the open.
Board 2. Dealer East. N/S Vul.
ª 7
© Q
¨ A K J 9 7 6 5
§ J 7 6 3 |
ª A K 2
© A 10 9 8 5 4
¨ 4 2
§ Q 4 |
ª J 9 6 5 3
© 3
¨ Q 10
§ A 10 9 5 2 |
ª Q 10 8 4
© K J 7 6 2
¨ 8 3
§ K 8 |
José Ignacio Torres led a top spade, saw the dummy and went
into the tank. When he finally to got out of it, he did the right
thing: tabling the §Q. Declarer won the king, played a diamond to
the ace and the ©Q. West won the ace and continued in clubs. A smooth
down one. Good defense though a diamond switch at trick two and
a possible diamond continuation would do also, since declarer is
bound for a suicide squeeze. Still, in the open room defense did
even better, much better: