vs Norway
Open Series - Round 27
At the time this match was scheduled, both teams were outside
the top five. Norway just a little, and Austria a little more.
So for both of them it was important to lose as little ground
as possible. It turned out to be a match in which Austria looked
set for a big win until the last board arrived.
The Austrians dealt a big blow on the first board:
Session 27. Board 1. Dealer
North. None Vul.
ª A K 10 9 3
© 8
¨ J 8 7 6 3
§ 9 2 |
ª J 7
© A Q 5 2
¨ Q 10 9 4
§ Q 7 3 |
ª -
© K J 10 7 4 3
¨ A K 2
§ J 6 5 4 |
ª Q 8 6 5 4 2
© 9 6
¨ 5
§ A K 10 8 |
West |
North |
East |
South |
Helgemo |
Simon |
Helness |
Terraneo |
Pass |
1© |
1ª |
2ª |
3ª |
4© |
4ª |
Dble |
All Pass |
This time, East did not hold the defensive tricks West was hoping
for, so the contract made with an overtrick. Austria +690 to start
Closed Room |
West |
North |
East |
South |
Schifko |
Aa |
Gloyer |
Groetheim |
2¨ |
2© |
Pass |
4© |
Pass |
Pass |
4ª |
Pass |
Pass |
5© |
Dble |
All Pass |
One down on the club ruff. Norway +100 and 11 IMP´s to
Austria. A flying start.
After two more swings to Austria and two pushes, on board 6 the
very weak notrump struck, this time in Norway´s favour:
Session 27. Board 6. Dealer
East. E/W Vul.
ª Q 9 4 3
© 10 6 3
¨ 9 8 3
§ A K Q |
ª K 10
© J
¨ A K 10
§ 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 |
ª J 8 7
© K Q 9 8 5
¨ Q 7 5 2
§ 10 |
ª A 6 5 2
© A 7 4 2
¨ J 6 4
§ J 9 |
Open Room |
West |
North |
East |
South |
Helgemo |
Simon |
Helness |
Terraneo |
Pass |
Pass |
1§ |
Pass |
1© |
Pass |
2§ |
All Pass |
When Terraneo could not open the bidding, Helgemo-Helness were
given a free run to their best contract in the rebiddable club
suit. Nine tricks, Norway +110.
Closed Room |
West |
North |
East |
South |
Schifko |
Aa |
Gloyer |
Groetheim |
Pass |
1NT |
All Pass |
Here, Groetheim could open 1NT and there it rested, as in these
days a club overcall after 1NT is almost impossible. Seven tricks,
Norway +90 and 5 IMP´s to open their account.
A few boards later, we saw yet another big swing to Austria:
Session 27. Board 10.
Dealer East. All Vul.
ª 9 8
© A Q 9 8 7
¨ Q 7
§ K J 6 3 |
ª K 10 7
© 10 6 2
¨ 9 3 2
§ Q 9 8 5 |
ª Q 6 5
© J 5 4
¨ J 8 6 5 4
§ 10 2 |
ª A J 4 3 2
© K 3
¨ A K 10
§ A 7 4 |
Open Room |
West |
North |
East |
South |
Helgemo |
Simon |
Helness |
Terraneo |
Pass |
1ª |
Pass |
2© |
Pass |
2NT |
Pass |
3NT |
Pass |
6NT |
All Pass |
Helgemo led the §9 which ran round to South´s ace. Declarer
went on to cash five heart tricks, West discarding a diamond and
a spade and East two diamonds. Next came a low club from dummy,
on which declarer allowed East´s §10 to hold. A spade was
returned, Terraneo winning his ace and cashing the diamonds next.
Now, West discarded the ªK on the last diamond. This induced declarer
to finesse the §J at trick 12 for his contract. Nicely done, Austria
Closed Room |
West |
North |
East |
South |
Schifko |
Aa |
Gloyer |
Groetheim |
Pass |
1§ |
Pass |
1© |
Pass |
1ª |
Pass |
2§ |
Pass |
2¨ |
Pass |
3§ |
Pass |
3¨ |
Pass |
3© |
Pass |
3NT |
All Pass |
No comment. Norway +660, but Austria had won 13 IMP´s more.
Session 27. Board 15.
Dealer South. N/S Vul.
ª K 10 8 7
© 2
¨ K J 10 7 6 4
§ K J |
ª 3 2
© A 9 6
¨ A 8 5
§ A Q 10 7 2 |
ª Q 6 4
© Q 7 5 4 3
¨ 9 2
§ 5 4 3 |
ª A J 9 5
© K J 10 8
¨ Q 3
§ 9 8 6 |
Open Room |
West |
North |
East |
South |
Helgemo |
Simon |
Helness |
Terraneo |
1§ |
1NT |
Dble |
2© |
Dble |
Pass |
3NT |
Pass |
Pass |
Dble |
All Pass |
East duly led a club in response to his partner´s double,
and the contract went two down. Norway +500.
West |
North |
East |
South |
Schifko |
Aa |
Gloyer |
Groetheim |
1¨ |
Pass |
1ª |
Pass |
2ª |
Dble |
4ª |
All Pass |
When West kept quiet after the 1¨ opening bid, there was little
chance the spades would get lost, as happened at the other table.
So the Norwegians found their fit easily and ended up in the proper
contract for a further +650 and 15 IMP´s.
A slight misdefence but a neat declarer play saved the board
below for Austria:
Session 27. Board 18.
Dealer East. N/S Vul.
ª J 8 7 6
© J 8
¨ 9 7 3
§ Q 9 6 3 |
ª A Q 4 3
© K 10 9 4 2
¨ K
§ K 8 7 |
ª K 5 2
© 7 6 3
¨ 8 5 4
§ A J 10 5 |
ª 10 9
© A Q 5
¨ A Q J 10 6 2
§ 4 2 |
Open Room |
West |
North |
East |
South |
Helgemo |
Simon |
Helness |
Terraneo |
Pass |
1¨ |
1© |
Pass |
2© |
3¨ |
All Pass |
This contract went one down, Norway +100.
Closed Room |
West |
North |
East |
South |
Schifko |
Aa |
Gloyer |
Groetheim |
Pass |
1¨ |
Dble |
Pass |
2§ |
2¨ |
Dble |
Pass |
3¨ |
Pass |
3© |
Pass |
3ª |
Pass |
3NT |
Pass |
4§ |
All Pass |
Well, nothing would have been wrong with 3©,
but suddenly East found himself in a tricky contract. When
the defence did not force dummy with continuous diamond
leads, he found a neat solution. The spade lead went to
the king and a heart went to the king in dummy. South won
the second heart and persisted with spades, instead of shifting
to diamonds. Dummy won and another heart was led to South,
who finally continued ¨A
and another, deummy ruffing. Club to the ten and a low club
saw the lead come back to dummy, and declarer now simply
played hearts through North to make his contract on a trump
coup. A pleasure to watch on Rama. Austria +130 and just
1 IMP more.
The Austrians had managed to carry their lead of about
30 IMP´s right through the match, but the last board
was a real setback for them:
Andreas Gloyer, Austria
Session 27. Board 20.
Dealer West. All Vul.
ª 10 7 4
© K J 5 2
¨ K 9 7
§ K 8 3 |
ª K 9
© A 8 6 3
¨ J 10 6 3 2
§ 5 2 |
ª Q 3 2
© Q 7 4
¨ A Q
§ A Q 10 6 4 |
ª A J 8 6 5
© 10 9
¨ 8 5 4
§ J 9 7 |
Open Room |
West |
North |
East |
South |
Helgemo |
Simon |
Helness |
Terraneo |
Pass |
Pass |
1NT |
Pass |
2§ |
Pass |
2¨ |
Pass |
3NT |
All Pass |
This contract seems to have one legitimate chance: ¨K doubleton
with North. Helness, however, did not really believe in this chance,
even more so because South had led a spade and thus looked marked
with spade length already, giving North more room to hold a string
of diamonds. So he went for another possibility: §KJ under the
§AQ10. Accordingly, he led a club to the 10, Terraneo winning
with the jack. When South, not being able to work out what was
really going on, decided to cash the ªA and then returned a heart,
Helness had all the time in the world to even get to an overtrick.
Norway +630.
Closed Room |
West |
North |
East |
South |
Schifko |
Aa |
Gloyer |
Groetheim |
Pass |
Pass |
1¨ |
Pass |
1© |
Pass |
1NT |
Pass |
2§ |
Pass |
2¨ |
Pass |
2NT |
Pass |
3NT |
Pass |
Spade lead as well, but declarer then went for his legitimate
chance: diamond to the queen and ¨A. When the king did not drop,
he continued the §Q from his hand. When this proved wrong, the
contract went three off for another 300 to Norway, a swing of
14 IMP´s to make it 50-36 to Austria, or 18-12 in V.P.