trumps are enough for game
By Svend Novrup
For a long time eight trumps were considered to be necessary
for a suit contract. Then Alfonse Moyse pointed out the advantages
of the 4-3 fit, since then called "the Moysian fit",
but later years have seen pairs playing successfully in 4-2 or
3-3 fits, even with a 4-2-fit at grand slam level. Some years
ago the Danish Blakset brothers redoubled a lead directing double
of 3¨ with 3-3 in the suit, making 10 tricks and a load of IMPs
in the Cap Gemini tournament in the Netherlands, and probably
Anton Maas was present on that occasion. In any case he decided
to play 4ª on Board 6 in the match against Croatia in Round 29
knowing that it was on a 3-3 fit.
Board 6. Dealer East.
E/W Vul.
ª 9 6 5
© J 8 5 2
¨ J 8
§ K Q 7 4 |
ª A K 10
© K 9 3
¨ K Q 10 7
§ A 9 3 |
ª J 4 2
© 7
¨ A 5 4
§ J 10 8 6 5 2 |
ª Q 8 7 3
© A Q 10 6 4
¨ 9 6 3 2
§ - |
Maas -- preferring the 3-3 trump suit successfully
West |
North |
East |
South |
Ramondt |
Maas |
Pass |
Pass |
1¨ |
Pass |
1ª |
2ª |
Dble |
3ª |
Pass |
Pass |
Dble |
Pass |
4§ |
Pass |
4ª |
All pass |
I almost never bid a three card suit but I thought that if it
ever could be right, it was here, Anton Maas tells. Partner's
double of 2ª was a support double showing exactly three spades
with an honour. His next double was competitive, and when he removed
from clubs to spades I decided to try out my luck there as I did
not know about his club fit.
South cashed ©A and continued with ©Q which I ruffed. To my surprise
the contract was not completely hopeless. The ªQ had to be right,
and the player with four spades would need to have four diamonds
as well -- and I needed a trick for §A. I played a low club from
my hand. If South ruffs I make my contract so he correctly decided
to discard but chose the wrong card when he let go a heart instead
of a diamond. I won §A, discarded a diamond on ©K and continued
with ace, king, and queen of diamonds. North ruffed the queen
but I overruffed with my ªJ, finessed the ª10, cashed ªAK and
my fourth diamond 10 tricks.
We gained 1 IMP on the board as our opponents played in 3NT just
making but we might have had a game swing as the best contract
probably is 5§ - until you see the location of the club honours.
Maas has another board he wants to discuss. This one from the
local derby against Belgium. It was discussed on in another bulletin
but Maas looks at it from an entirely different angle:
Dealer East. N/S
ª K Q J 5 4
© Q 10
¨ Q J 3
§ J 7 2 |
ª -
© A J 9 5 4 3
¨ A K 9 8 7
§ K Q |
ª A 8 3 2
© K 2
¨ 10 5
§ 10 9 8 6 3 |
ª 10 9 7 6
© 8 7 6
¨ 6 4 2
§ A 5 4 |
West |
North |
East |
South |
Engel |
Maas |
van Middelem |
Ramondt |
1© |
1ª |
Pass |
2ª |
Dble |
Pass |
3© |
Pass |
6¨ |
Pass |
6© |
All Pass |
I led ªK, declarer won with dummy's ace and discarded §Q from
his hand. I felt sick. I could see that diamonds were 3-3, and
my ©Q would come down as declarer wouldn't even have any choice.
I was absolutely right. About 10 seconds later it was all over,
and Zvi Engel had landed his bad contract on the lucky lay-out.
The hand is, however, very interesting from a psychological point
of view, and it will remind you of the famous hand from the Bermuda
Bowl when Eddie Kantar held the doubleton king of clubs to be
finessed with AQ doubleton in dummy. He felt just as sick and
did not take the time to find the way to lead declarer astray
by playing the king on the first round. You have to think quite
differently: Declarer is in a lousy contract. How can we make
him go down?
Only when you do that you find that you have to unblock ¨QJ under
¨AK so Declarer does not need to ruff a diamond. Now he has a
possibility to finesse in hearts, and seeing your ©10 on the first
round of the suit, he will almost certainly do so. You might even
consider playing ©Q on the first round but then you risk that
you partner has ©9! No, the ten will do (you will play that from
©10x, too), and at least Declarer has a losing option. (We pointed
this out in the previous article. Editor)
Declarer had only one road to success so he did his best by playing
quickly, making it more difficult to think of tricks. The point
of the hand is that I misdefended because I did the wrong thinking
, just like Kantar. A very important part of top bridge, I think.
Really Largest Seniors Swing
By Justin Hackett
When Nissan Rand reported a major swing in the Senior event he
was talking chicken feed. (Sorry Nissan!) Take a look at this
effort by the team I captain, England 1:
Board 13. Dealer North.
All Vul.
ª A 9 2
© K 8 7 3 2
¨ 10
§ Q 9 6 3 |
ª K 8 7 5 4
© A 10
¨ 4 2
§ J 8 5 2 |
ª Q J 10 6
© 9
¨ K Q J 5
§ A K 10 7 |
ª 3
© Q J 6 5 4
¨ A 9 8 7 6 3
§ 4 |
West |
North |
East |
South |
Hackett |
Harper |
Pass |
1§* |
2NT* |
3ª |
Pass |
4ª |
5¨ |
Dble |
5© |
Dble |
Pass |
Pass |
6§ |
Dble |
All Pass |
After East's better minor opening the North/South bidding left
a lot to be desired. North was not sure which two suits his partner
held and Six Clubs went eight down, -2300.
West |
North |
East |
South |
Goldenfield |
Hirst |
Pass |
1¨ |
1© |
1ª |
2¨* |
4ª |
5© |
Dble |
All Pass |
Declarer had no trouble collecting +850 for an easy 22 IMPs.
Any advance on that?
is this man?
By Svend Novrup
When I saw him coming down the aisle of the aeroplane in Madrid,
I was in no doubt. This is Hercule Poirot, Agatha Christie's Belgian
detective who has solved so many cases by means of his little
grey cells.
I know that Poirot is a fictional character but if I ever hear
of a film instructor who wants to shoot a Poirot novel, I will
tell him to turn to Brendan J O'Brien of the Irish national bridge
team. Being a top bridge player he will be able to think like
a Poirot. He doesn't even have act.
How does my Poirot play? Well, take this hand from the match against
Slovenia in Round 30. Mike MacDonagh/O'Brien sitting North/South.
What a deadly combination!
Dealer South. All Vul.
ª K 8 3 2
© -
¨ A J 8 6 5 4
§ A 3 2 |
ª Q 10 6
© A
¨ K 9 7 3
§ Q J 9 8 6 |
ª 7 5 4
© K Q J 9 5 3 2
¨ Q 2
§ 4 |
ª A J 9
© 10 8 7 6 4
¨ 10
§ K 10 7 5 |
West |
North |
East |
South |
Pass |
1¨ |
Pass |
4© |
Pass |
Pass |
Dble |
All Pass |
Poirot led his singleton diamond to the ace, and back came ¨4
as Lavinthal for clubs. South ruffed, switched to §5 for the ace,
and back came another diamond, ruffed by declarer with the ©J.
A heart to the ace was followed by the ¨K, discarding a spade.
South ruffed, cashed ªA, continued spades to the king and got
another diamond from partner, which promoted yet another trump
trick for him. With three black top tricks, the ace of diamonds
and three(!) trump tricks, the contract went four down for 1100
to the Irish side.
And the other table? Well, North/South stayed passive over 4©
- in two ways. They did not double - and they only made five tricks
for down two and 200 to Slovenia; 14 IMPs making Irish hearts